Imminent Danger (Work-in-Progress) (WARNING: Blood)

Story by ImpSyndrome

This is a short story that I wrote up recently to introduce an RP theme that I want to work with. I've separated it into three parts: the first part is mostly talk, introducing the characters and the scenario; the second part will have a relatively short fight scene (with a bit of blood-letting near the end); and the final part will feature male/futa sex and a little bit more bleeding (used in a sexual sense this time). I may do a follow-up short story, depending on whether or not there's much interest in the RP series I plan to build off of it. That said, I am a little rusty, as I haven't written anything in a while, so if anyone has any suggestions for me, please make them known; I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing abilities.

Now, without further rambling, here's the actual story:

Charles Rein walked into the Handstand Club expecting to see more of a crowd, but the underground nightclub was virtually empty, save for a sharp-dressed young man with slick brown hair and an attractive woman behind a counter, who he assumed was the barkeep. He slowly walked in and waved weakly to his company, the brown-haired man, who stood up from his booth and approached casually. There was a distinct contrast between the two of them: Charles felt underdressed in his jeans and button-down shirt when he looked at his associate, the clean-cut, suit-clad gentleman he was meant to meet. In fact, the two had even less in common than appearances belied.

Charles had led a rough life; he was orphaned early on, and he was adopted by a foster home where food and water were not always easy to come by. He survived by taking what he could from others, despite the warnings of his authority figures. As he grew up, he began taking to violence; this behavior peaked just after he graduated high school, when he attacked a middle-aged man and tried to rob him. He was apprehended and forced to serve several months in prison, where he was once again forced to fight for amnesty from the other inmates. After finally being released, Charles immediately went to a bar near his home to celebrate; this is where he met the enigmatic ‘Genic’, the man in the suit.

‘Genic’ had introduced himself as a psychologist when Charles first approached him at the bar. After sharing a drink, Charles opened up and told him his entire story; something about the story intrigued Genic, and he subsequently asked Charles if he would be interested in helping him with testing a theory he’d had for a while. At the mention of copious compensation, Charles was quick to agree, and the two exchanged contact info. The next day, Genic called Charles, and they set up their ‘appointment’ in the Handstand Club.

“Glad you could make it, Charles,” Genic said, holding forth his right hand. “Really, I am.”

“Not a problem,”[/b