Drinking at the Seventh Heaven. (f/m, fff/m, hhh/m, growth, size, clone, gts)

Story by Phen

I was struck by inspiration late in the evening and wrote this when I should've gone to bed. Hence I havn't read it through yet. It's just a little bit of smut starring everyone's favorite barmaid. Thought that some people might enjoy it despite everything.

"Bartender! Another round, if you please!"

The air was filled with the sounds of loud talking and tinkling glass. Another good night at the Seventh Heaven. The renowned barkeep sauntered down to an occupied table with her hands full of four brimming mugs, swaying her hips in that shameless way that made more patrons line up at the bar to give her their money.

"Here you go, gents! You're well on your way to become regulars with the amount of beer you're ordering tonight."

A short, bearded man let loose a hearty laugh and slipped his coins over the table, hand retrieving the mug on the way back. He and three friends sat around a circular table with him at the extreme left, followed by a dark, tall one, a scrawny one and a blond wearing thick glasses at the furthest right.

"Really now? Well, the atmosphere is certainly nice... And the scenery is unparalleled." The words were slightly schlurred from the building, but the lecherous wink went right in. Clearly he had practiced this many times before.

"Any benefits to becoming regulars, hm?" The scrawny one inquired, leaning over the table and pouring a generous helping of alcohol down the hatch, followed by a downright creepy grin.

Tifa smiled widely at the drunken patrons and tapped her chin for a moment, not shy of letting her likewise - if not more - well-known bust wobble enticingly inside her tight, white top. "Well, now that you mention it... I do have a special brew down in the basement. It hits pretty hard and I don't have a lot of it, so it's not advertised. I suppose I could let you fine gentlemen have a taste..."

The four cheered and drank to the idea while the busty barmaid disappeared from the bar for a few minutes. She returned with a small flask, transparent yet so dark green that it might as well have been opaque. With a conspiratorial wink, she unscrewed the the top and poured a single drop into each of their half-empty beer mugs. "Better give it a light shake to mix up." the brunette advised while the dark man farthest away immediately raised the mixture to his lips and drank deeply. The others began laughing, but were quick to shake their mugs around and down the contents themselves as their mate licked his lips with a wide-eyed look in his face.

"That's... Woah, good stuff! What would another squirt cost?"

"Better not be one of those "first one's free, next one costs your firstborn" deals." The tall man grumbled as he, too, finished savouring the taste of superior alcohol."

"What, afraid you'll become alcoholic?"

Tifa just smiled and vanished the little green bottle. "Sorry, boys. I told you how rare the stuff is. Maybe if you come by another night you'll get another taste of it. But if you're s