Somebody to love (Futa/M,Shemale/F,Futa/F,F/F,size)

Story by lustepic

My writing got out of hand and this story dropped into existence from my psyche, which from time to time brushes against borders of sanity from its lurking place deep in madness.

WARNING: If you read this, try to ignore the plot holes along the way, while dodging spelling errors fired at you and bad grammar which can wrench your head around on your neck.

Lastly: Following story has nothing to do with any living or dead people, organizations or places.

The stench from the festering alleyways and a black asphalt heated to sponginess under scorching sun assaulted Spacey’s nose, when she stepped out from the diner she had been sitting and drinking coffee for the better part of afternoon on refills. Sauntering aimlessly looking she began circling the block for the third time today while keeping close watch if anyone was taking any interest in her. Nobody did. Good and also annoying as her outlook of slightly built young Asiatic man with a clean-shaven, vaguely womanly face in worn out khaki’s and a cap on short cropped hair was how she normally looked.

“Please… no … not again … not here too …” A woman’s voice.

“Shut up, bitch!” A man.

The voices, originating from somewhere deep in the alley Spacey was passing by, were subdued, almost inaudible in the surrounding noise from the street, the cars honking their horns and music blasting from the stereos. Stopping, Spacey turned and stepped into the alley without hesitation. Navigating through refuse in the ground she walked deeper into the alley towards the place where voices had come from.

Two men, or boys, street gang members by their clothes were groping and undressing a woman who was desperately trying to prevent them. Intent on their prey, assailants didn’t notice Spacey’s arrival. Jacket on the ground had a familiar camouflage pattern.

Checking the surroundings to see if any one else was around Spacey at first executed a sleeper hold on the closest boy and when the second one turned to face her, punched him into the solar plexus with stiff fingers making him lose his breath and drop to his knees, allowing her easily ably sleeper hold on him too.

The woman had grabbed knife from the ground where it had dropped from one of the attackers and was pointing it at Spacey.

“NO … Don’t came any closer …” The woman threatened while pointing the knife with trembling hands at Spacey. The woman had a tanned skin and she looked more like a young girl than grown up now that Spacey could she her better. Alcohol reeked in her breath.

Spacey waved her hands trying to indicate she wasn’t a hostile, not wanting to speak and spook the woman.

“You are all … the same … “ the teary-eyed woman wailed.

Lifting her hand to throat Spacey switched the collar under her shirt on and spoke: “I’-m f-r-i-e-n-d-l-y f-o-r-c-e-s, p-r-i-v-a-t-e.&#82