New Story For Y'all!

Story by Chadwickster

Like the title says I have a new story to post, it is a request from another user, but, I think you guys will like it!

Chapter 1-Amazonia:The Beginning

By: Chadwickster

"Warmistress Lillith, the raiding party is ready and awaiting your blessing.'' said Bladesmaiden Karissa. The massive woman stood a proud 6'4'', with a muscular frame that hardly had an ounce of fat on it, except for her breasts, each mighty mound was a massive 34J cup, with nipples that were thick and fat, perfect for the silver rings she has pierced them with.

"Good, I shall be there shortly.'' said Warmistress Lillith, crossing one of her muscular legs over the other at the knee. "Have my armor brought to me.'' said Warmistress Lillith to one of the slave girls of her court.

"Yes Warmistress.'' said the girl, running off down the stone hall of the palace and into Lillith's personal armory.

"Warmistress, you wish to come with us?'' asked Karissa from behind her falcon-themed face mask armor.

"Yes, I do. I am getting rather bored with the same routine around here, I want some excitement.'' said Lillith, reaching for a cup of drink she has beside her throne.

"Here you are Warmistress.'' said the slave girl, holding out Lillith's wolf-themed armor. Standing up, Lillith walked over toward the slavegirl and took her cuirass, holding it up on her massive chest for the girl to fasten it into place. Once her cuirass was on, Lillith then put on her greaves and gauntlets, each piece of her exquisite armor made to look like wolf parts, the greaves and gauntlets resembled the paws while the cuirass resembled a chomping wolf's head, made with expert craftsmanship. Adjusting her armor, Lillith then reached for her massive pole-axe. Most weapons in the Amazonian armory measured anywhere between 3 and 5 feet long, Lillith's however, reached a staggering 8 feet long, 6 of that being a solid wooden pole while the other 2 feet was a massive axe head with a giant spike on top for impaling enemies.

"Shall we go then.'' said Lillith, turning to face Karissa, who was busy ogling her queen's bubble butt.

"Yes, lead away.'' said Karissa, moving aside so her queen could get past her. As the two armored warriors walked through the stone hall, every girl they passed bowed to their queen and moved aside to give her walking space.

"Do we know anything about this caravan?'' asked Lillith, not breaking stride or looking at Karissa.

"All we know is that they are hauling some sort of goods to the Federation, there are about 40 guards guarding 4 of the 5 wagons, the last one seems to be a transport for people." said Karissa, filling Lillith in on the scout's report.

"Any women or children?'' asked Lillith, turning down a hall that was lit with rays of sun peaking through the glassless windows.

"We don't know the exact number, but we estimate it to be between 5 to 10 children and double that for women.'' said Karissa as she and Lillith made their way out of the palace and onto a field wher