One step at a time

Story by Angelkat

A story dedicated to a very special someone in my life, they know who they are.

Well, here it is! My next fiction, been far to long since I actually ironed one out into a document. Chapter 1 and probably the only chapter that this site gets to see. The next chapter holds some things that FP members generally don't go far, as in when I'm done with it in like, oh, an hour or two its gonna have Diapers, Ageplay, Watersports.... etc xP So, unless you all want to see that, no you don't? Thought so!

Oh, and for the record, Meet Kendra

And Bethany.

The pictures are simply there... because thats how I envisioned them and someone said, "ever check for a picture, I mean, you could find your dream version of them" xP

Chapter One tags, (Light Yuri ) @_@ Lollow tag count

Kendra looked out the window of her tenth grade history class. She already knew everything the teacher was rambling about she'd been kicked from AP for missing a month of school and they didn't think the girl could catch up. So she'd already learned everythIting the normal history class would learn for the entire year. She had a 121% In the class thanks to the extra credit that the teacher always handed out. Put it all together and the fifteen year old girl went bored rather quickly in the class. She let out a sigh which caught the anger of the teacher. "Miss Sevens I know you already know what I'm saying but could you at least feign interest? Or would you like to teach?"

Kendra looked at her and replied curtly and sarcasticly, "If I Taught the class would have been over twenty minutes ago." Rounds of giggles from the class and anger from the teacher was what she got for that one. Another check by her name another and she'd get detention. She'd changed over that month that she had been ill. She'd been a book worm for her entire life up until than and than she was kicked from three advanced placement courses history being her favorite. It angered her and she began to lash out at those around her especially the teachers. She'd turned into a bit of a bitch to them.

She had reason to though the blond had been robbed. She had early acceptance into college riding on those advanced courses and now the colleges didn't want anything to do with her. The damn school had ruined her life. Her parents were never around because one was an artist and always at his studio and the other part of the god damn United Nations as a translator. A lot of good your mother does to support you when she's half way around the world taking your call while the prime minister of some country you can't even pronounce is asking her to translate god knows what language this time.

Her father simply enjoyed her getting in trouble which made things worse. He never enjoyed his bookworm of a daughter holding herself up in her room listenin