Zombieland - Shemale Parody

Story by novacane

Hey guys, been a long time lurker but a big fan of this site. I've posted a few things in the past (nothing of much consequence), but have always wanted to contribute.

Some of you may have remembered that I tried to get an Avatar collaborative futa story up and running quite awhile ago - it failed miserably; one guy was avoiding me, the other guy (I think) passed away. Though I'll want to attempt this again, I'm going to go with this new idea.

I've since been dabbling into writing short shemale parodies of stuff I've seen, from movies to toons, but haven't really completed anything. So to start, I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand in writing a parody for an awesome movie I've just watched recently: "Zombieland"! After seeing Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin together in the movie... I couldn't help but start something. :16:

The following is a short excerpt from a prelim rough of one of my ideas; there's a little more to this, but I want to hold back until I see some interest. It'll serve as a sample of my writing style, and I'll appreciate anyone who can give me some pointers. Enjoy this little cocktease, and hope to hear some input from you guys!

Warning: Contains some graphic Loli

“Oh Columbus? There’s something I have to tell you…” she said, looking a little anxious.

“Yeah, what?” I asked, lying back on the four poster bed, trying to hide my own anticipation for this night.

“Well…” Krista took a few more steps, took a breath, then let out a series of murmurs.

I froze, trying to register the sentence. “What?”

Another breath, then, “Mmmm-ahmmaboi…”

“… What?”

She sighed, realizing there was no turning back now.

“I’m… I’m not really a girl,” she says more slowly and clearly, trying to lessen the gravity of her confession. It did somewhat… but not very much. Taking in my confused expression, she sighed again, and decided to be blunt; she lets her pants drop-

And I swore my chin had hit the bed sheets.

It was a cock – a flaccid, moist cock, complete with a pair of balls nestled beneath it. The assets were hairless, thankfully and… wait what? What was I thinking? She’s showing you that “she” is actually a “she”-male! And you still wanna fuck her/him/her?

But… this was Zombieland, right? “Normal” (whatever that meant in the first place) didn’t exist anymore, so why not grab at opportunity when it shows itself? Afterall, despite the boner, she was still very pretty upstairs, and she still had that sultry, inviting allure in her voice. And the legs; those legs looked so nice and slender…

I suddenly noticed she was staring at my lap a little intently, yet nervously, and realized why; it was as plain as the tent being pitched in the sil