New Story by stephanie

Story by makeherafuta

TG: The Nanoplague

Keeping up my rate of about one story a year here's a new one from me.

It does go in for slightly more bizarre than normal transformations. I

hope to have a new story out soon. While it'll be a standalone story I

hope to write more stories and captions set in the same world as time

goes on. I'm also planning to open it up as a new universe, which I

know is usually the kiss of death for new 'universes' as the ones that

have succeeded have come about more or less by chance. But there you

go, the option will be there.

Anyway, hopefully that will be out before too long.

This story is copyright 2010 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may

repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not

altered or charged for.

As always, this is an adult story and it should not be read if you are

under the age of eighteen or whatever laws are applicable in your


The Nanoplague



No one says that Doctor Sandra Panek didn't have any reason to be upset

- of course she did - but that wasn't enough reason to doom the entire

human race.

Just two of us would be involved in the surveillance operation. That

was against procedure, but then this wasn't ordinary times. Throughout

the country the FBI was stretched beyond breaking point following up

every possible lead. Other agencies all over the world were engaged in

similar searches in their own countries. Sandra Panek had to be found.

She had disappeared a year and a half before, but no real attention had

been paid to it at the time. Only after the nanoplague had started

transforming women had the desperate search begun. Our own assignment

was to watch a near abandoned farmhouse in Ohio. Vague reports of

someone perhaps matching Panek's description had led us here. We set up

the surveillance cameras in an equally ramshackle building a mile away.

Jane was showing symptoms of the nanoplague. We both knew it, but we

both did our best to ignore it. She carried on wearing the bras that

were now the best part of two sizes too small. We were both hoping that

she wouldn't suffer the more severe symptoms. Having a penis and balls

replace your own genitals would be traumatic for her, but she'd still

be able to function. If she developed the most severe form even simple

tasks would be beyond her.

The one common effect of the nano virus Panek had unleashed was to turn

women sexually male. At the last estimate over thirty percent of all

women on Earth were now changed by the virus. It had become almost

routine to see a beautiful woman walking down the street with a fair

sized bulge between her legs. Those with more acute symptoms often

stayed indoors, or committed suicide. Those as yet unaffected often

kept themselves indoors as well, but it was too late for that. Every

man and woman on Earth was already infected, the virus having spread

unnoticed aroun