A Beastly Encounter: A Tale Of Beastiality And Lycantropy (non-futa, beast)

Story by Hardcover

This is my first attempt at a bestiality story after sharing so much in the beast thread, I decided to try writing my own story. This is very much inspired by Walerian Borowczyk's superlatively perverse film La Bete (The Beast, 1975) as well as the gypsy camp sequences in The Wolf Man (1941). Also influential was the manga series Kemono For Essentials and a series of stories I found on Asstr called Mom's Donkey Show, which unfortunately was never finished.

I realize this is not everybody's thing, but if you didn't know what you were in for when you read the title, then you've only got yourself to blame. This is a rather long story and contain three sex scenes. No one actually turns into a wolf, although The Beast himself is sort of like a werewolf type creature, the lycanthropy of the title is more about embracing the beast within. Yeah, Hardcover's a sick fuck, what else is new?

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A Tale Of Bestiality And Lycanthropy

By Hardcover

Lycanthropy (ly·can·thro·py/ noun):

1: a delusion that one has become a wolf

2: the assumption of the form and characteristics of a wolf held to be possible by witchcraft or magic— ly·can·throp·ic /adjective

--Merriem-Webster’s New World dictionary

"I tried to break the spell--the heavy, mute spell of the wilderness--that seemed to draw him to its pitiless breast by the awakening of forgotten and brutal instincts, by the memory of gratified and monstrous passions. This alone, I was convinced, had driven him out to the edge of the forest, to the bush, towards the gleam of fires, the throb of drums, the drone of weird incantations; this alone had beguiled his unlawful soul beyond the bounds of permitted aspirations."

- Joseph Conrad,

Heart of Darkness

Deep down inside, we are all nothing but animals.

We play at being something superior, with our clothes and our cleverness, but when it comes down to it we are no diffent then our cousins who walk on all fours. We are driven by the same things, to survive, to feed and to mate. Oh god, do we like to fuck. And we do it with such wild abandon; we might as well be living in the forest. I didn’t always realize that. I used to think myself cultured and refined and above such bestial concerns. It’s incredible how wrong I was.

My name is Miranda, and once I was an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life as an ordinary human being. All that is behind me now, but you will come to see that soon as you learn of the rad