Interest check, "It really happened."

Story by Crusadera

I was writing about a dream I had this morning in my dream journal(I tried to sneak into a literally mobile hometrailer to hitch a ride from a redneck) and I was reading a previous dream which took place in Fallout 3's setting the Capital Wasteland, to which I suddenly thought of this post apocalyptic story. So yeah.

It really happened. The End of the World. I had been skeptical on a lot of things. Religion, public school system, Extenze. Not the end of the world though, we were staring it right in the face the past half century. I always figured it would be nuclear winter but I had prepared for other possibilities. Sure the others laughed when I went down to the gun range every other week but whos laughing now? I am. Their slothful ignorance has paid off well as they are all now in some more pleasant place than this living hell.

August 2014, individual date unknown.

"The ground shook and the rocks split. the tombs opened and many bodies of the dead holy ones rose up. they came out of their tombs and after his rising they went into the holy city and were seen by many." Matthew 27:51-53. Mother-Fucking-Zombies. That didn't really happen. Its been almost a year since Patient Zero was infected with a highly infection disease created by the ruskies during the Cold War. Tensions had mounted up between the two super powers until they finally unleashed the horror created by their scientists. They anticipated the eventual spread over the entire globe, but never believed it would happen that quickly. I'm heading to a sizeable Alliance outpost outside the Capital Wasteland of old Washington D.C. everyone says they'll provide protection, food and shelter in exchange for able hands. Its worth checking out. Zombie kill count since last entry, 17.

- Liadrin

I enjoy the sound of the rain, its the only time I can sleep peacefully, drowns out the sound unpleasant zombies mindlessly shuffling about. I prefer to move at night, stealth is the main game. Dispatch quietly and do not draw any attention. Things were a lot more interesting now, if not less annoying. Despite all the zombies I prefer it to the previous life I had as a barista at some lame tourist coffee shop. Only thing I truly miss is the internet. Google. Stumbleupon. Porn. From time to time, I'll find an old computer and scavenge the hard drive for porn, no luck usually. One time though I found a whole web server full of porn how fun was that, I sold the location of it and ate like a king for a week.

I was nearing the Alliance outpost, Sanctum. Kind of a silly name, but it fits I suppose. As I neared the fortress outpost I was flooded with light, blinding me considerably.

"Who goes there?"

Ugh. What a stupid way to ask who is it. "I'm fucking human let me in!"

"Let her in Michael, shes not infected. Open the gates!" A second guardsman yelled out.

A generator started up as the crudely constructed gate began to lift. Once I was in I was subject to