any more like this

Story by lerdan

i found this story and love it anyone know if theres any more like it


by Forgotten Idol

Copyright© 2007 by Forgotten Idol

My friend had gone there before; she had told me about it afterwards. It was a place that was fully automated, so there was no embarrassment in dealing with real people. She had told me that she had enjoyed it very much, once she got over the clinical feeling. She said that once it started she completely forgot about where she was, and that it was a robot that was fucking her. I was not a prude, or a virgin, but at the age of sixteen, sex was something that was new and interesting. I had dated someone for a few months and we had sex a few times, but I didn't enjoy it. I don't know if I was bad at it or that he was. He was, I guess, since I did love to masturbate and would always orgasm.

The place was a very obscure little building. Number 238, was the only thing written on the door. It was nestled between two little shops. If no one knew better, it would just be assumed to be an abandoned residence.

I was terribly nervous when I opened the door. As I entered there was a small desk in front of a long hallway which had several automatic doors with no windows. There was an android fixed behind the desk.

"Greetings," The android said to me as I approached. It's voice was soft, but still mechanical. "Please scan your identification card," it said as it presented me with a small scanner it had in it's hand. "You must be eighteen years old or older to use these facilities. Identification is required."

It's always a good thing to know a geek. Especially when they can make you a valid fake identity card. I swiped my ID card through the scanner as I smiled to myself.

"Identification Accepted. Welcome, Ms. Swanson," the android said. "For how long would you like to use the facilities? There is a minimum of one hour, with a maximum of four hours. It cost ten credits per hour, however four hours will only cost thirty-five credits."

I thought about it. It was my first time there, and I wanted to feel it out. "I guess I'll just take an hour then," I told the machine.

"A one hour session has been scheduled, please scan your bank card," the android motioned toward a small glass scanning area on it's desk.

I scanned my card over it, and the green light blinked letting me know that the card was processed successfully. I got a little more nervous at that point, knowing that I was actually going forward with this.

"I am required by state and federal law to inform you that all off our rooms and instruments are sanitized after each client with high-intensity UV rays," the android said. It was good to know that. "For your privacy and comfort, all rooms are individually ventilated. They are also completely sound proof. Please proceed down to room number three, and enjoy."

Room number three. It was not that far of a walk down t