Ms. White's adventure.

Story by Euplonka

The title makes me laugh ... Anyway, I should have the second part of this ready to go soon, but I really don't have anything planned after that since I was planing on making this just a short comic.


The highway gleamed in the sunlight. A four lane road connecting far away destinations. Vehicles of all sizes leisurely coasted along the black top. Vibrant autumn trees swayed gently in the wind along both sides.

A red sedan coasted towards the rising sun. In the back seat a small girl in pigtails greedily took in as much of the surroundings as her young mind could contain. She may not remember where or why she was leaving wherever she came from. Nor would she remember everything about her destinations. But for right now, at this moment, she was certainly going to remember the blur of gold and orange as is speed by her window.

Something from the front of the car pulled the young girl's attention away from her window. She moved herself to the middle of the back seat. The bright sunlight gleamed through the windshield making it difficult to clearly see her mother's face in the shadows. The girl's mother said something and smiled showing off her gleaming teeth through her bright smile. Her father turned his head over his shoulder to give the young girl another heartwarming smile. The young girl had not choice but to smile back happily.

A silent explosion shook the car's windows as the semi-truck in front of the family sedan jackknifed, and fell over on it's side, blocking both lanes of westbound traffic. The car was far to close, and the girl's father was to late to react as the family of three careened into top of the trailer.

"Aaaahhh", a sudden scream pierced into the dark room, as the voice's owner quickly sat up from her bed. The teenage girl covered her face trying to slow her breathing as her heart pounded in her chest. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness the memory of the nightmare faded to the back of her mind.

Once she was able to breath normally the girl look at her alarm clock. With only a half hour before she was going to wake up, the girl kicked off her bedding and steeped into her slippers. She shuffled into her bathroom and cringed as she turned on the light. Once her eyes adjusted she went through her morning routine.

Nearly an hour later the girl walked downstairs. The three bedroom house was tightly packed with her grandfather's possessions. Pictures of the large family covered the walls, memorabilia from a long life working for a car manufacturer occupied shelves everywhere. After buttering some toast, the sound of the TV caught the girl's attention.

Calmly she entered the TV room to see some history channel documentary filling the room with blue light. A recliner sat in the center of the room, with the girl's grandfather snoring in the chair.

"Grandpa", the girl said, moving between the recliner and the TV.

"Huh, wha, oh ... Morning Opal", he