Last-ditch Doomsday

Story by Parallax

This is my first try at erotic literature. I just did this one for fun. Kind of to test the waters a bit, see if I can go swimming any time soon. Anyways, this story was inspired by the thought of taking giant sized cocks that artists like Koufu draws (I'm not afraid to admit Koufu is one of my favorite artists) and taking them to the extreme. In this, you will find Futa/Male, gigantic size, and lots of cum.

If it turns out I don't suck at writing stories, I have plans for a (non-giant-size cocks) long story with a fantasy setting. Also, as usual, if you see anything that I can correct please let me know. (I wrote this in notepad so spelling and grammar errors are probably rampant.)

Last-ditch Doomsday (working title)

by Parallax

It was the end, the last day of planet earth's long existence. Well, not really. It was really just the last day for humans, but what did anything else matter if no one was around to see it. The astronomers were supposed to warn us about this kind of thing, but even they never saw it coming. One day, what was thought to be a new comet was discovered, albeit one that moved faster than anything seen before. Scientists assured everyone that the high-speed planetoid, HSP-01, would come nowhere near earth, just zip from one side of the solar system to the other in less than five days. Within the first two, it had already gained the nickname "Lucifer". Apparently, it was some sort of small, fast-moving black hole, and what was though to be a comet tail was debris following it. Its strong gravity threw everything out of whack, and while it didn't pass anywhere near earth, the hundreds of asteroids shook loose from the asteroid belt and near-earth asteroid groups would.

The world was thrown into chaos. War broke out, diplomatic relations broke down, and yet every country with nuclear weapons or working spacecraft gathered up teams of the best of the best and sent them out to destroy the incoming asteroids like this was an action movie. They managed to miraculously destroy all incoming asteroids, but somebody was a little overzealous with one of the last bombs. The force of the blast sent a big chunk hurtling towards one of the ones that wasn't trying to kill us. Just when everyone was about to breathe a collective, planet-wide sigh of relief, some moron goes and screws us over once again. Unfortunately, all of the worlds currently available nuclear weapons, and even a great deal of the conventional weapons, were all used up, and it wasn't possible to make more in time. A last-ditch effort three days ago, involving loading up every available explosive into every available spacecraft and rocket and smashing it into the asteroid, failed. Governments broke down, civilization broke down, even anarchy broke down. The world had essentially already ended; all that was left was for the final asteroid-shaped nail to be hammered into the coffin that is earth.

But even in times like these, I'm an optimis