A great Transformation story "Chan"

Story by Emulous

Although this story wasn't written by me I found this story and the great website that hosts it once upon a blue moon. I hope you enjoy it. It involves transformation, Futa on cuntboy.



by Rae Lincoln

Arnold never could explain why he had bought the misshapen piece of rock from the antique stall. A collector of glass and pottery, he regularly scoured antique shops and markets, and was rewarded with very collectible items at low cost. This item was amongst a miscellany of pottery and its overall shape was that of a squat Buddha about three inches high, except that it had no discernible features. Arnold picked it up and somehow felt that he had to have it. It was smooth and polished in the same way that stair handrails become polished, by regular handling. Its colour was that of granite, but it seemed to shimmer slightly when rubbed. It was not cold but seemed to have a glow. Arnold haggled with the stall owner and acquired it for £25.

When he got it home, he held it in his hands, and turned it over. Underneath he could make out some very indistinct lettering. It was incomplete as the handling had obliterated parts of the engraving, but there were four letters left which looked like CHAN. So Chan it became. Arnold placed it in the middle of his collection of porcelain. But on occasions when he had had pressures of work or other matters on his mind, he found that handling Chan and rubbing it, completely removed his anxieties.

Jackie, his wife, thought that the acquisition was not worthy of collection and if she had won her way, it would have been consigned to the dustbin. But for many months it stayed on the shelf in the collection. It was probably the new job which caused Arnold to take Chan from the shelf and start rubbing it, much in the same was as worry beads are used. He placed it in his trouser pocket where it remained for the remainder of the day until he undressed for bed. He placed Chan on the bedside table. When Jackie and Arnold were first married, they had sex regularly, but Jackie was not a very willing partner, and Arnold's technique was sadly lacking so whilst they slept in a double bed, it was rare that they used it for its proper purpose.

With pressures on his mind, Arnold could not sleep, so he read a magazine whilst Jackie quickly dropped off. He picked up Chan and was turning it over in his hand. He turned the next page of the magazine where he saw an advertisement for ladies' nail varnish - a very pretty shade of pink. He thought of Jackie's hands with her long slender nails, always painted bright red. He was still turning Chan over in his hands, when there was a slight buzz, and he almost dropped the stone. For his fingers had long slender red nails and not his stubby male ones. He looked quickly at his wife and saw