Star Trek Futa

Story by jakazz

This is a story I wrote about a Futa in the Star Trek Universe. My fellow STO friends should get a kick out of this. Please excuse any errors, I tried to proof read it but as tired as I am, i'm sure something got by. Please enjoy!

Updated!! I cleaned up the thread, and am putting all future updates in the first post.

UPDATE: I Have added Part 5, Part 6 soon to come

Part 1

Lieutenant Winters entered Sickbay after her shift in Engineering was over. It was 0700 and shift change had just finished. Normally at this time, Winters would be off to her quarters by now changing into something more comfortable and ordering her normal dinner. Afterwards she would listen to music and meditate or call up one of her friends to go meet at the ship’s galley.

But not today. No, today she had an appointment in sickbay. Winters didn’t know the reason, seeing as she already had her annual physical and she was not under the weather.

It started last night after she had woken up from sleep and was getting ready for her shift. Her badge, lying on her nightstand, chirped. Winters walked over and answered the hail, “Winters here.”

“Winters”, came the response, “This is Doctor Santer, I am sorry to bother you at the moment, and I know you’re getting ready to start your shift, but could you do me a favor when you have the chance?” Santer asked Winters if she would help in an experiment of hers. Winters agreed after her shift was over, she’d meet the doctor in Sickbay.

Winters and Santer were good friends, having enlisted in Starfleet at the same time, they were classmates and after a year away from each other upon graduation, they had both been posted to the USS. Victory. Normally once or twice a week they would share a holodeck program for calisthenics or, after their shifts ended, would have dinner together before going off on their separate ways for the day.

It was not an unusual request from Santer, so Winters had agreed thinking it would be some sort of new dish Santer wanted to try for dinner, or a new program in the holodeck.

As Winters entered the Sickbay, she noticed only the Chief Medical Officer and a few aids were on duty. Only one patient was being attended to, a sore wrist from the looks of it.

At this time of day Sickbay was normally empty, and the officers on duty could usually be found in their own corner of the room working on some assignment. The room itself was your standard Sickbay found on most class ships of this type. The walls were a golden brown with a light orange carpet. In the main room their were 8 beds, 4 on each side of you as you walked in – all hooked up at the head to the wall with your standard medical equipment.

Straight ahead there was the Chief’s office which had the same color scheme. The entrance to th