Erotic Studies

Story by xMLx

Well as the name suggests, this contains schoolgirls. This is the first story I've written. In fact I haven't done any creative writing for as long as I can remember, so hopefully this will be readable.

Honestly, the only reason I'm doing this is because I'm embarrassed about my writing. In the hopes of someday being able to make a comic I'm actually proud of I wrote this to get some practice. So I guess I look forward to some feedback also.


Erotic Studies

By: Mlad


A quiet sigh escaped her lips. She tried her best to hide her boredom, but after a few hours it was unbearable. The high ceiling of the church reverberated with laborious preaching. She raised her slender fingers up to the large silver cross on her necklace. She smiled at the irony.

Her parents sat on the pew next to her. If only they knew, she thought. God or her parents definitely wouldn't approve of her attraction to girls. But she didn't care anymore. Nothing would stop her plans to get into bed with the new student. She spent the rest of mass dreaming.

“Ready to go Julia?” inquired her father.

“Yeah, sorry. I got a little reflective.” she replied and stood up. She brushed off her dark formal dress and followed her parents to the car. As they drove away from the church, all she could think of was sin.

Sunday passed uneventfully. Julia spent the day running scenarios in her head. She wanted Monday to go perfectly. She couldn't stop thinking about the new girl, Sarah. That was the name of her desire. Fear and apprehension mounted in her as the day waned. Yet she remained resolute when sleep finally took her.

Julia slept poorly. But she jumped out of her bed with excitement in the morning. She started getting ready for Catholic school immediately. She showered and washed up, then looked at her naked body in a mirror. Her large round breasts were in stark contrast to her tall, lithe figure. I must be blessed by god, she thought. Though she wondered if Sarah might find her as beautiful as so many guys did. She brushed her long black hair as it dried. She tied it into two deliciously stereotypical pigtails. Her brown eyes ran up and down the reflection in approval. She then put on her uniform, complete with plaid skirt and short tie. The large silver crucifix never left her neck. She ate breakfast quickly then took the bus to school. Her legs quivered nervously the entire ride.

Class started shortly after Julia arrived. She sat next to Sarah and couldn't help but take lingering glances upon her. Julia wasn't sure how the girl's uniform passed the dress code, but she was glad it did. The top buttons on her crisp white shirt were undone, revealing a stunning valley of cleavage beneath the uniform's tie. Her shirt was untucked. The skirt below was pulled tantalizingly high almost revealing her underwear. She wore dark fishnet stockings beneath shiny black leather boots. Her belt