Sophie and Alexia, Chapter two

Story by RLF_86

Ok so here is the next chapter of my erotic tails, for all those who enjoyed the first and evens those that didn't. If you haven't read the first chapter or would like a reminder then here is the link;

Contains incest, drinking spit and even a little urination.

Chapter two, a stiffening resolve.

(Bad pun,)

Sophie looked at herself in the mirror. She was completely naked again and was checking out her handy work. It had taken ages in the bath last night before she felt she had cleaned her pubes of all the cum, and she wasn't going to let that happen again. She had shaved of her pubes. Smiling at the effect she looked at her cloths laid out on the bed. Arbitrary black skirt, there must be someone, somewhere, that owns a large share in the black skirt and trousers market and was forcing all schools to use it. Either that or all head teachers had their fashion sense removed. Ditto for the white shirt, well some things never change. Green tie, that was a odd choice. The school goes through all the trouble of making their base two items as common as muck, yet they get you to wear a colourful tie? Maybe as there was less material it cost less to die it? Oh well. (Actually the ties were a method of distinguishing between students houses. The school had so many students they spilt them into four set house. Green ties, blue ties, red ties and brown ties. All the ingredients you need to start kids competing against each other and making compacts between each other to help take out the competition. Everything you need to prepare you for life.) Alexia was right, life could be so depressingly monotonous at times. Still the blazer was nice. It was tartan and flared out cutely at the hems. Lastly, there were the knee high white socks and black button shoes. They sent the boys crazy, and who can blame them? When Alexia walks down the hall she, Sophie always got a twitch in her... 'No, calm down.' She took a few steadying breaths before walking over to her underwear draw.

'So what to wear, thong? No, the material always rides up in my butt. Black silky cotton thing? Well, no one can complain with black. Black can be quite sexy perhaps then... No. No, what's this What's this! Mum I love you!' She pulled two bits of underwear out of her draw. They were a birthday present from her mum and were very expensive silk, mint green French knickers set that where drawstring fastened. She had got three pairs but theses ones were the only ones in her favourite colour. The bra was specially designed to accentuate what you had, and Sophie already had a fare pair. The bra and knickers were both fastened at the front. That didn't m