Just the beginning, or maybe the end?

Story by Chadwickster

Ok, I have just completed a good chunk of a story I am writing. The reason why I'm posting what I got written so far is to see if anyone on here would be interested in reading a story like this. So, without further adieu, I give you my story, but just a heads up, so far there is no sex, mostly plot and character development, later on will be the good stuff, but for now, I give you this! Oh, and just another little thing, criticism is welcome and appreciated, so enjoy my mind's creation.

Amazon Expedition

By: Chadwickster


‘We’re lost and you know it!’’ shouted Damien.

‘’We are not lost, you see this ridge right here?!?’’ asked Dr. Rickter pointing to a map he has been working on for years. ‘’this is the ridge we are on! We are not lost.’’

‘’Will you two shut up? All this humidity and sweat is bad enough, I don’t need to hear you two bickering every five minutes!’’ said Sarah Wershman. ‘’Now find a place for us to set up camp and get some firewood.’’

The two men looked at each other and nodded. Sarah was dying from this heat, she could feel her shirt sticking to her body from her sweat, and her hair was always matted down! Sighing she just chalked this adventure up on the ‘once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity’ side of her mental chalkboard. She was relieved when Damien returned and said he found a suitable place for them to set up camp. They all marched the 100ft to the campsite, making mental notes and marks on the trees and ground, so they could find their way back to the trail.

Sighing as she set down her heavy pack, Sarah started to stretch herself out and look around at her traveling companions. There was the Doc, who was out here looking for a kind of plant to cure some disease, or something, Sarah wasn’t really paying attention when he told her his reason, all she cared about was his money, and he gave plenty of it to be included. With the doc was at least 5 natives of Brazil, all who chatted away in Spanish which only Damien and the Doc understood, leaving Sarah out of any Spanish conversations. Sarah checked them out, two were a bit too young for her tastes, one was an ancient looking man, but he still had the strength of a 20 year old, one was a fat guy with a huge gut and a grizzly looking beard, surprisingly though, he has never complained once. The last of doc’s luggage carriers came into the camp with a huge chest over his back. ‘’Mmm, he’s the one.’’ said Sarah mentally to herself. Watching this muscle bound hunk as he set down the heavy leather bound and stretched his huge muscles out, Sarah couldn’t help but get wet at the thought of bedding that giant of a man.

Closing her eyes and imagining that site, Sarah never heard Damien come up to her and clear his throat. He waited a few seconds and did it a bit louder, catching Sarah’s attention. She opened her eyes and looked at Damien. Damien was at least 35 years old, his face was ruggedly handsome, his stu