Plausible Deniability

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Plausible Deniability

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


PAIRING: Cloche/Luca

NOTE: I've been in a real writing funk lately. So clearly writing for a fandom nobody cares about is the smart thing to do right now.

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Lady Cloche Leythal Pastalia gratefully slipped into the hot water. It had been far too long since she'd last had a proper bath. Oh, certainly, she'd been bathing quite often lately, but it was always so her body could absorb the power of yet more Dualithnode crystals. It didn't really help relax her, especially since she was always sharing the water with Luca and Jacqli. Not that she really minded bathing with them, it was simply that their presence made it quite difficult to relax.

Not today, though. Today she was going to have the bath all to herself and the only thing she felt obliged to do was to simply take it easy.

Of course, she probably wasn't going to simply take it easy. After all, when she'd prepared the bath she'd kinda sorta accidentally spilled quite a lot of Softly Sexy bath salts into the water on purpose. So while she was going to relax and take it easy, it was... conceivable... that she was going to relax in quite a tense way. Of course, Lady Cloche Leythal Pastalia was far too dignified to relieve herself of her own tension or even feel such tension, but... well... a Reyvateil bathing in aphrodisiac could not be held entirely responsible for her own actions, right?

Cloche sighed happily and closed her eyes. The water felt hot on her bare skin and filled her body with a pleasing warmth. She slouched a little, allowing the water to reach her chin and spread her legs almost unconsciously. An idle finger began tracing circles on her inner thigh, the simple motion somehow making her feel warmer still. Cloche smiled when she slowly felt her cock beginning to harden. Even though every IPD Reyvateil had one, Cloche had been... discouraged... from drawing any kind of attention to that fact, including any attention of her own.

But here she was, in private, completely alone, her hands nowhere near her growing dick. It wasn't her fault that she was getting an erection. And since there was nobody around, there wasn't anyone who could blame her for indulging herself just this once. No guilt, no embarrassment. Just Cloche and her own body. And what a curious body it was. Everything about her was soft and smooth, but what was still growing between her legs was thick and rigid. The contradiction was... oddly delightful. She felt like she could just sit here with her hard-on and feel perfectly satisfied.

The hand that had been resting on Cloche's inner thigh moved slowly up. Yes, simply experiencing a guiltfree erection would but perfectly satisfactory, but actually enjoying it would be even more satisfying.

Carefully keeping her breath steady, Cloche