Hillsborough /futa-futa/

Story by wtcnb

Hey guys, its been a while since i've written anything and i actually started this story over a year ago. Most of you probably don't remember but around two years ago I wrote a story called camplife which you can find here http://www.futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?13155-Camp-life&highlight=camp+life

Umm this story is planned to be more like a power fantasy with futa futa and futa fem as well. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing and as always any critisism+grammatical errors you point out would really be helpful... again enjoy.

Ah Hillsborough, Illinois, a perfect example of scenic bliss. Just outside the limits of Cook County sits a rather large town of 80,000 people, that may seem huge but it’s spread out over a couple of miles so it has the feel of a large town, while still retaining the look of a forested Hamlet in the trees. Even in 2009 all the houses from White Lilly Road to Timid Dear Lane have a white picket fence in front of them, and jobs thought to be unattainable in modern times, particularly being a Milkman can be found here, it’s surprising that not one but two milk companies actually exist in Hills Park and are competing to have their milk at your front door from between six to eight o’clock just after the paper boy has delivered the morning news. This story isn’t necessarily about the scenic feel of Hills Park, nor is it about the paper boy, but it is about the daughter of the owners of one of the two milk companies previously mentioned.


Kimberly-Ann Gradforth awoke from her long night of slumber as a bright ray of sunshine hit the eyelids of her beautiful green eyes… and as her clock radio started blasting “I’ve got you babe” by Sonny and Cher. Very shortly after being so rudely awoken on her sixteenth birthday Kimberly’s hand came crashing down on top of the radio nearly breaking it, and silencing it in the process. Kimberly groaned as she moved her petite body from beneath the warm covers of her bed to the cold hardwood floors of her bedroom. She saw through her long, tousled, fire red hair that her mother had written her a note and left it on her nightstand. She brushed some her hair to the right side of her face and picked up the note.

It Read:

HAPPY Birthday Honey,

I’m so sorry that I can’t be there to usually serve you your big annual breakfast but I will make up for it somehow. Maybe I can take you and Emma (her little sister) to Gia’s (Kimberly’s favorite restaurant) tonight, bah I’ll just talk to you after school. Have a Great Sweet SIXTEEN HONEY!

-Love Mom

P.S. We will have to postpone getting your drivers license because the old insuranc