Large story, art help

Story by Ryhion

Notice: I posted this here, because it was what seemed most apropriate, I will ask that moderators or admins, to move this thread to where it is best suited. Best Regards

Hi, I'm thinking of writing a large story, almost a novel based on futa... i dont know how to draw, so I write:) I have plenty of ideas on the table, and I come here to ask the help of fellow forum members two things.

I need an artist, by that meaning good at drawing faces bodys, and Maps (yes maps)

I also need somenone with mad english skills, not the high school or english course stuff.. that I have and I aced it, i need someone to check some spelling stuff or phrase construction, that might be wrong.

This story (book, novel w/e) is NON-profitable, so i wont be paying anyone, or expect to be paid, this will be posted just on FP in acrobat format.

Those willing to help, will off course be mentioned XD, and as I will be using part of their intelectual proprety, they will also play a part in the story (either being a character and chosing character development, or creating side stories, any idea is debatable)

PAQ (possibly asked questions) :p

Q: Why?

A: Because I really like futa, and I like to contribute to FP, this is how I can

Q: What will be the story setting?

A: Sotry setting will be medival-ish

Q: What does that mean?

A: Kings, castles, peasents, religion, alchemy

Q: Real religion? you dont want to offend ppl?

A: Not real religion, a religion based on the story, and it seriously has nothing to do with modern religions

Q:Will this a hero story, or a larger scale story?

A: Good question, this will be a large scale story, with political intrigue and country dispute, ther will be main character(s) off course, but large scale story will be fundamental instead of background. This is why i need maps btw

Q: I want to help you, how do we discuss the profit share?

A: As stated earlier, this will be non-profitable.

Q: I wanna help anyway, how do I do it?

A: Send me a PM, e-mail, IM or post on this thread.

Thanks in advance for the interest you might take, i hope this project will see daylight.



IM (msn)

IM (skype) pistao978

PS: just kidding about the english part, i'm not full of myself there :9: i want someone more competent than me to catch my errors and help co-authoring