The Futa Hunter (futa/f)

Story by Sajukno

Here's a very silly story.

Constance leaned against the wall of one of those trendy clothing stores endemic to suburban America. She signed, ruffling her short silver hair, blinking away the bright August sun from her soft hazel eyes.

Constance had traveled all over the world, to 26 countries in fact, just to pursue her passion. Constance wasn't your ordinary world traveler, traversing the globe for no real reason. No, Constance had a plan. Unlike so many travelers before her, Constance traveled the globe with a specific set of goals in mind. Constance was a Futa Hunter.

What is a Futa Hunter? It's quite simple, really. Futanari are very rare genetic mutations, happening to one every 25 million (or less) women born, in which they're born with all their normal parts, but with the (some would say) unwelcome addition of a penis. Futa Hunters make it their business to find as many futa as they can, and "catch" them. Constance discovered Futa Hunting by accident when she encountered her first futanari back in high school. The teenage futa assumed that Constance's lesbian overtures toward her were those of a young Futa Hunter, and proceeded to enlighten Constance after it was discovered she had no idea what a Futa Hunter was. Constance looked back on her younger years with a sigh, reminiscing about the good old days. Now, Constance was approaching thirty and felt a panging deep inside her heart, almost as if searching the world for sexy futas and taking their virginity just wasn't doing it for her anymore. But those thoughts would have to wait, as her high-tech watch began to beep. She looked at it, easily deciphering the jumble of numbers on the digital face of this not-so-innocent wristwatch. Constance prided herself in having the most up-to-date Futa Hunting technology, and this watch was the pinnacle of Futa Hunting gear. It could detect any nearby futas with 99.999% accuracy, and in the three years she had owned it, and through the fifteen futas it had found for her, it had never held her. Now the watch was beeping in the direction of a bus that had just stopped along the sidewalk for the strip mall Constance was loitering at. Constance began eyeing the female passengers getting off, searching for telltale signs of a futa.

Soon enough, a young woman (she couldn't be much older than 21) stepped off the bus, wearing a plain tanktop that managed to display her B-cups very well, a long ponytail that reached to her waist, and baggy jeans. The jeans were a dead giveaway, as no girl who had nothing to hide would wear such hot clothes on this sweltering August afternoon. Constance checked her watch again, keeping one eye on the girl as she went into a dry cleaner's.

"Huh, that can't be right..." Constance muttered, thumbing the buttons on the side of her watch. The readout on the watch said the girl's penis was nine inches long, and that was just soft! Constance had never seen an erect futa cock more t