The Other Way Around

Story by Draven

Justs a head's up. There is no actual sex in this story and it is something of a joke. It's just an idea that i wanted to put down. If you want to do anything with the universe, be my guest.


The other way around


Among the vastness of creation there are an infinate number of possible universe, in which every possible turn of events has happened. Some differ from others so little that one could spend eternity searching in vain for divergences. Others differ so greatly and alien that even the laws of physics are radically diferent and any being which tried to cross over from one of said universes to another would instantly fall apart into the finest particles and they would only be able to understand the nature of these universes through mathamatics. Here we have two universes, the one in which this reader sits infront of a screen reading this exposition and another, identical in physical laws to that one and similar in many respects to his/her home dimention, in which a planet earth exists and is basically identical to the one that the reader dwells in, but in regards to what life lives upon it's surface is in a major way diferent. Here is a snapshot of life for an unassuming human being in this universe.


Sally Furushima got off the bus after getting off after a hard day’s work before popping in at a one of ner favorite café’s for a quick bite. Ne was fairly attractive, descended from Zhiponese immigrants that came over a century ago, a slim figure with B cup breasts, was five foot four, smooth olive skin and had medium length black hair and was about 28. As it was summer and St Andrea was warm, Sally dressed lightly. Ne had a white short sleeved jacket, a T-shirt for the St Andrean Grizzlies, a pair of running shoes and socks and some short tight Capri pants with lines on the groinal region to highlight the bulge. The Restaurant itself was located in a respectable plaza around a statue, commemorating the overthrow of the theocracy and the foundation of the second republic that happened sixty two years ago with roses lining it. It was a nice airy family owned affair which offered respectable foods at decent prices. Janice, the shop’s owner came about. “So, how are you doing?” Ne inquired.

“Alright, we had the wedding party for Jan and Vanessa at the office. Heard rumours that they jumped the gun a few months beforehand and Vanessa’s already expecting.”

“Well good for ner anyway.” Jan was not a prude, but rubbers were invented for a reason “But anyway, what will it be?”

“Green mint tea and an apple twist for here.”

“Coming up.” About half a minute latter, Jan’s fifteen year old daughter came over with the tray and gave ner a look which lasted about five seconds beyond politeness and moved too far downwards. It was rude but Sally could hardly blame ner, ne nerself gave the better