Lara Croft: X-Raided

Story by Auyvex

Another story from me that I just finished up. This is just a short one-off story I did for the fun of it. I won't be doing multiple chapters for this or anything, unless I ever feeling like doing anything more with Lara (maybe a crossover with Peach...:15:), but this was sure fun as hell to write.


- Watersports and lots of cum-play involved. There's your warning, so don't feel traumatized when it happens.

- I apologize for the shitty grammar in this one. Some of the sentences didn't come out the way I wanted to use them. It's readable though, at least in the most tolerable sense.

- There was an old Lara futa story that used to be all over the internet that was a bit of an influence for this story. I forgot the name of it (wish I knew it), but it involved Lara with another girl. For anyone who read that story, I included a fun reference to it in this one. Can you find it?

Anyways, enjoy!

Lara Croft: X-Raided

By Auyvex

Lara Croft woke up to the sound of a mosquito buzzing around her face. Slapping her hands around in the air, she groaned as she got herself out of her sleeping bag. Lara was camped out in a big camp out tent that she had built for herself in the deep depths of the Amazon Rain-forest. As she rose out from her tent, Lara bundled together a pile of wood from a stack she had nearby and started up a fire for her breakfast. Lara Croft had been residing in this area for two months now. Having been six months since she'd been given an assignment, she decided that sitting around on her butt all day watching movies in her mansion wasn't exactly the best choice to spend her time, so she did what she always wanted to do, and spent the past couple of months relaxing out in the rain-forest. Being away from civilization had cleared her mind and body, but she knew she couldn't reside in the rain-forest forever. Tomorrow, she'd be packing her things up and heading back out to New York, to negotiate with her agency about any new openings needed. She did need the paycheck, after all.

Lara looked down at her watch as she swished around some eggs in a pan over the fire; 9:56 AM. Wow, she thought, a lot earlier than her other wake up times. After the scrambled eggs sizzled to their peak, Lara fixed them up on a plate alongside some bacon, breakfast bars and a bottle of water, and sat herself down on a log, chomping down on her meal. Within seconds of her munching, however, a faint beeping came from her nearby backpack. It was her video transmitter, which she hadn't received a call from in months. Who the hell was it?

Lara hesitantly put down her plate, then grabbed the backpack and located her video transmitter. Flicking the red switch, a grainy video of an old man with a beard came on. It was her assignment manager, Dr. Harvey.

"Dr. Harvey? I haven't talked to you in months!" she said, "What's going on?"

"Morning, Ms. Croft" Harvey replied, "Enjoying your rain-forest trip?"

"Well, I hope I never see a bug again," Lara