Story by misfit446

Here is another chapter. It was already started so thought I would finish it while I can. Work is coming up again soon so I wanted to finish this story that was close to being finished. Have so much to continue with as well as new stories. Will write when I can. Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated.


With breaks and a few sleep periods, Fara fucked over thirty women in three days. There were others that still were waiting when she finally called a full break. “I need time to recover. I require full meals and want to see my family,” she called out, all sweaty and cum caked.

Tlata, already fucked thoroughly, was lying near death by the altar. Barely breathing she waved her arm at the much smaller line. The group began to dress and bow out of the new Queen’s presence.

Fara strode out, naked, dirty and very very tired. She went to a nearby stream to wash off. The cool water on her body, especially about her overworked cock and balls felt soothing.

With the help of Brooke and Shaam servants, Fara slept for almost two full sols. While sleeping, her mind thought things out. Logically and systematically. When she finally awoke, she was hungry. She ordered food brought to her and for an audience with Tlata, her counselor.

Seated at a stone table, Fara ate ravenously. Tlata entered accompanied by two Shaam servants.

“We need to talk old woman,” Fara announced around a mouthful of food.

”Of course, my Queen.” The two servants beat a hasty retreat.

Swallowing good venison, Fara gathered her thoughts carefully. “We will need a new model for this tribe.”

“Oh? How so?”

“We need an army, weapon makers, hunters, farmers, government and above all, SLAVES!” Fara inhaled a large piece of meat and chewed, looking at the old woman.

“Slaves? What would we do with slaves?”

“Breeding. Heavy work. Who does your mining? Who does your farming?”

“We do. We all do,” Tlata stated with pride.

Fara swallowed that mouthful and drank a sweet fruit drink from a wooden bowl. “Maybe so. But who will do the fighting and mining if we have a war? Taking those Shaam from those jobs to be soldiers would defeat the tribe from within quickly. We need an army. You said so. I am the key to that goal. You said that also. The more women I can mate, the more soldiers we have.”

“But we want our own tribal army, my Queen,” Tlata offered softly to the new ruler, arms spread in sympathy.

“Won’t happen quick enough. We need slaves or prisoners to be bred for our survival. That is what I see.”

“My Queen, clouding the blood of Shaam is not allowed by the Lei Meh.”

Fara dropped her meat, licking each finger of its juices and grease slowly, sending her gaze over at the older woman. “I am not a Shaam. Yet you took me in to breed you a new race of warriors. Who cares what slaves are bred as long as the warrior children are brought up and