Boobie Trap

Story by therede

Here's my first story here. I don't think there's nearly enough futa stories where the guy grows breasts, how about you? Sorry for the lack of tags but I'd like to keep the content a surprise. Nothing disgusting involved (I hope).

Booby Trapped

By therede

Frank was a man obsessed. He was obsessed with the fact that he had the breasts of a woman. Of course after The Change every man in the world had breasts. But his … he now wore an M-cup bra. He was the only man he’d ever met who had breasts bigger than DD cup. He was obsessed; he was determined to become a real man again. There had to be a way! He couldn’t, he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life looking like a porn star.

For the hundredth time that day he looked at the huge map on the wall and sighed in frustration. The first thing you noticed about the map was a large irregularly shaped ring of blue pins surrounding a vast forest. Near the center of this area was a single red pin.

Frank had been a forest ranger. On the day of The Change he’d been on duty at a remote fire tower situated deep inside a national forest. The blue pins were men he’d talked to who lived near the preserve, not a single one of them had breast larger than DD. The red pin indicated where he’d been.

He had a theory about why he had such large breasts. It had to do with what had happened on that day.

He remembered the day of The Change clearly. He’d been keeping an eye on the horizon watching for forest fires. Suddenly there was a blinding flash of red light then a wave of intense pleasure overwhelmed his senses. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he passed out. When he awoke he discovered that he had huge breasts. It wasn’t until he finally made his way out of the forest that he found out that every man in the world also had breasts. His theory was that Something had caused The Change. Some Thing had landed in the forest. He figured that it must have landed not to far from where he’d been stationed. That was the problem. He’d been situated nearly in the middle of over 200 square miles of virgin wilderness. Whatever it was, it could be nearly anywhere within that area.

He sighed in frustration again then got up. He was sick and tired of thinking about it. He decided to head to a nearby bar. He hated going out. It always seemed as if everybody was staring at him. Of course there was always some idiot who would wolf whistle or make some kind of crude comment. It didn’t help that he was now gorgeous. As he peered in the mirror he couldn’t help but admit that if he saw somebody who looked like him walking down the street he wouldn’t have hesitated a moment before asking her out. That thought just made his predicament worse. He didn’t want to be beautiful. He wanted to be handsome. He wanted to look the way he used to look.

At the bar he began morosely drinking a beer. He’d been sitting there several minutes when someone sat down beside him. Whoever it was had quite large firm breasts