Zippy Zipperdale: The Seventh Experiment (non-futa, non-porn)

Story by Hardcover

Here's the seventh chapter. Still back at home, Stitchy takes her first steps outside the house on her own much to a frantic Zippy's distress, and Mandy finds herself in a dangerous situation. The climax of this chapter changed dramatically from what I had originally outlined. I decided I wanted to show Stitchy as being smart as well as strong, and I new item I'd seen a long time ago gave me the scenario to have Stitchy use her brains to save a life.

Here is The Seventh Experiment.

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The Seventh Experiment

By Hardcover

The soft but intrusive sound of the alarm clock beeping woke up Krystal Bell from her fitful sleep. She had been dreaming of floating naked through a vast maze like cavern, inside a giant living machine, a massive biomechanical behemoth of endlessly intricate and ingenious design. Whoever built it and for what purpose, Krystal didn’t know, but it was enough to behold this massive wonder of science and engineering with her own eyes. Definitely a constructed machine made of living breathing tissue, the ultimate mesh of the organic and the artificial. Goose bumps rose on her arms in excitement as she gently floated through the endless caverns.

Needless to say, she was deliriously disappointed to suddenly be back in the land of the waking. Groaning with disappointment, she shoved herself out of bed. For a second she was confused as to where she was, but finally remembered that she was in one of the guest bedrooms in Zippy’s house. She looked to the side of the bed and found that her current bunk mate Lizzy was already awake and long gone. It had taken a little getting used to, sharing the large king sized bed with Lizzy; Krystal had always had a bed to herself. It was made a little more uncomfortable by Lizzy’s odd habit of mumbling in her sleep, babbling about all manner of fantasy creatures that Krystal couldn’t even begin to identify.

She slipped her feet over the edge of the bed and forced herself out, standing up in the medium sized room. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned with her mouth wide open. Scratching an irritating itch on her butt, she headed for the bathroom. Once inside she stripped off the old t-shirt and sweat pants that she had been sleeping in and made for the shower.

She stopped, in front of the mirror, turning to look at herself, letting her eyes roll over the reflection of her naked body. It seemed so strange, at that moment, looking at the body that had once been so unfamiliar to her. At one time she