Brave New World

Story by GothPrincess

Here we go then, first post, first futa story I've ever posted...hope you'll forgive the mistakes. Goth x

Brave New World – part 1

Futa/MF-NC/Transform/moderate violence…and long parts with no naughty action whatsoever, so perhaps not necessarily a baiting story I’m afraid. Always available for RP ;)


Clara pulled the blanket around her shivering body. She looked out of the broken windows of the little cottage she had sheltered in over the winter. Had it really been just nine months since the horror of the plague had brought the world around her to a shuddering halt? She sighed and saw her breath in front of her. The cold air seeped into her bones and made her shiver once more.

The electricity had gone out in most places in the first two months of the plague. The gas soon after. So the survivors…like her…had streamed out of places like London into the countryside. Trying to find things to eat and burn to keep warm. Clara and her sister, Sarah, had chosen to leave earlier than most. When they heard that their parents had died they had decided to flee the madness and growing stink of London for the family home out in the country. But many people were crazy, driven insane by the death and horror around them. And the rumors.

They had reached the family home after two weeks of scavenging and hiding from roving gangs. They’d only been there two days before a gang of men broke in and took Sarah. They had raped her in the lounge. Clara crushed her eyes shut desperately forcing fresh tears back as she remembered hiding upstairs and hearing her sisters anguished cries of terror. She was raped again and again before being taken away by the drunk, laughing gang of men. Clara didn’t leave her hiding spot for a whole day. Eventually she crawled out and snuck downstairs. There was no sign of her sister. Clara left the house soon after and began her new nomadic life.

She had spent most of the winter in this place. It was hidden away from any roads and she was careful not to light the fire during the day, so that the smoke was hidden from passing gangs. She had seen fewer and fewer people as the months went by. Scientists had spoken of secondary waves being a problem even after the main event of the plague had passed…so she guessed many others had died. She began stuffing some newspapers she had found into the fireplace, getting a fire ready for the night. Some of the headlines struck out at her. The oldest spoke of the early days of the plague, China…something like Bird flu was killing hundreds of thousands…then it was in India and the Middle East. The US and UK military complaining to the media about reports of the disease in their armed forces there in Afghanistan. Then it was in Europe. And Latin America. President Obama announcing he was closing all borders into t