Story by misfit446

This chap is slow, NO SEX! But promise more good stuff in the next chapter. This is plot/story. Again, hope you like it. I see a lot of peeps looking/reading, yet few comments. Well, I like to hear from the readers. It's very boring to write things and get little. I strive to write the best stories I can yet I get little. Not a very comforting exchange. I will stop writing if I feel that no one wants it. Kinda waste of my time. I can write on my hard drive for my own pleasure and not share. It's that easy. Not that this story would cause a pouring of thanks but I have written over 50 stories here. Some one shots, many others in series. I posted several in what I thought popular series that got squat. So I will try and finish my series and be done with it.


The long trail of family was led onto another trail at a fork. Soon they were in a different area overhung with deep green trees. Without a breakfast and no lunch, by mid afternoon, all were miserable. But that feeling ended as they hit a huge clearing.

An immense village was situated within. Many elfin women and a surprising number of elfin males strode about the area nude, chatting in a foreign language. Though Fara knew about males of her own tribe, she had never espied one in flesh and blood. Males were sold off as slaves, even though they were of Elite blood.

The group was halted in front of a large stone structure, the ONLY stone structure of the entire village. The large elfin with the big cock and balls pointed at Fara and indicated the dark, open entrance of the building.

Fara turned toward her family and Brooke. She looked at each of their faces. ‘May be the last I see my babies and my lover,’ she thought. With a deep sigh she turned and strode on into the darkness.

A deep voice in the darkness harkened Fara further into the structure. “Who are you?” Fara asked loudly, her voice echoing painfully about the stone walls.

“Keep advancing, my child,” the deep voice stated. Fara was scared, though she would never admit it. Goose pimples sprouted all about her body. Her dick stayed at rest. “I won’t hurt you. Follow the light.”

‘What light?’ Fara asked herself. It was pitch black in the tunnel she was following. “Wait,” she whispered. She did see something. Soon a flickering fire was seen reflected off the polished quartz granite wall. A few moments later, Fara was standing inside a huge room, a bright fire going inside a large stone fire pit. An old elfin woman sat near the fire, smoking a clay pipe, blowing large plumes of gray smoke into the still air.

”What is your name?”

“Fara of Borid. I AM a Counselor.”

“That does not matter. You are here.” Fare looked closely at the woman. She wore a skull crown. The skull was of the Tothra, a ferocious feline known to cause armed soldiers to run for their lives in her area. To make matters more intense, as Fara noticed,