Prof.Haun - Two new arrivals.

Story by Denada

Somewhat unfinished but certainly a good enough starter. Wrote this for an artist involving two of their characters, but only vaguely.

As a warning this involves large proportions, anthros and oddness. Enjoy.

"Two this time master."

So delicately placed were some mere scraps of paper with information upon them, information that could be garnered by a simple conversation but no that would give notions of equality and his employers did not allow such a thing. From behind the opaque lense of his solid sunglasses was the hidden intent and meandering thoughts of Professor Feronius Haun, body alterist and trainer for so many that would pass through this area. Without a stir or shift from his form the attendant made hir many apologetic bows, each time almost spilling forth from hir painfully stretched and marred suit, then vanishing behind the heavy rotted oak door he had installed for his office. Presence was key for the steady erosion for the subjects mentality until they became a malleable pet for selling on and making his personal domain inhospitable and something to garner nerves from made his work just that touch easier.

Several stark clarks of claw upon worn wood signalled the Professors slow perusual of his latest targets. There would be no violence, the Estates methods were much too subtle and quick-acting, but they were being singled out and he was receiving payment for particular works upon them, so targets they were.

Then came the soft slid of discarded paper, the stapled and meticulously printed dossier of facts, figures and vital statistics were nothing but a waste of his time. They were not the first he had been asked to break and despite his growing distaste they would most certainly not be the last.


The Professor allowed for solid minutes to pass by in complete silence, the fetid odour of his ruined and ill-fitting lab-coat marring the fine red that currently filled his unused glass. Brief flicker of a muscle movement within the Terrier mongrels stubby muzzle that could almost be guessed as a smirk, but it vanished soon after... half-bitten ear twitching upon his skull at the faint creak of a floor-board. The Attendant was one of his early works, originally a skinny frail spoilt bitch of a human girl, the father had chucked her aside and sold her to the Estate. Now barely confined within that tearing business suit was a six foot tall Zebra hermaphrodite, miniscule skirt being little more than a belt with ambitions which hid nothing of the vast equine shaft and sac he had grown upon hir.

While he could recall with detail the changing of flesh and mentality, soon hir screams becoming soiled moans of lust that drooled from hir gaping maw... hir original apperance, the starting point of that spoilt little whore into something useful... that escaped him. It didn't matter shi had become so detached from hir origin it was almost laughable, he had carved hir mentality by himself and for now shi wa