Story by misfit446

I'm unsure if I posted this chap. Confused as I write 12. So if a repost, forgive me. Mods delete if so. Enjoy.


The kissing session lasted about ten minutes, leaving Linty and Skye breathless and sweaty, though the temperature didn’t help, even in the shade of the cabin.

They stumbled back to the dining hall, straightening their hair and clothing as they went. Entering quietly, they sat at a rear table as Liz was talking.

“So we are going to march up the creek this time and each team will be timed as well as graded on team work, at the discretion of the counselor assigned to you. You will not get your usual cabin counselor for this one.”

A groan came up from the crowd.

“Once there you will find a pile under a tarp, directions and then you can start. Okay girls, let’s hit it.”

Everyone got up. Linty and Skye stood and saw Maria approaching. “So Linty, you are feeling better. Wonderful. I spoke with Carey and she said you both seemed fine.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Must have been one of those twelve hour bugs or something.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, you go on and have fun, okay?”

“Thanks Maria,” Linty said and strolled out, Skye in tow.

The line of girls snaked along the trail away from the lake, a first for them. It was virgin territory for all.

“So what do you think it is?”

“What? Bridge building?” Linty asked. She shrugged. “Building a bridge, I guess.”

“But I don’t know anything about building a bridge.”

“You just make sure it doesn’t fall down.”

“Ha ha,” Skye said and playfully shoved Linty’s shoulder.

A mile up they came to a clearing where a creek went through. There were ten piles covered in blue tarps.

“Listen up. Counselor’s will pick a pile and then we will call out each team,” Todd announced. Soon everyone was matched up. Bobbie and Carey seemed to be on edge when Linty and Skye joined them.

They were assigned Kelly, the counselor from the Gray team. Their own counselor Becka had the Yellows.

“Hey,” Linty offered to no one in particular. There was no response.

“Okay ladies, uncover your piles and read the directions,” Liz called out through the bullhorn.

Piles of cut timber, tools and hardware were revealed. Many girls scratched their heads. “You can read the directions now,” Kelly offered.

Bossy Bobbie grabbed the zip lock bag and opened it, pulling out the pages of directions. She began to read. Carey went over to read it also but Bobbie elbowed her away. Skye walked over and Bobbie turned away from her.

“Okay, what the fuck is going on? You gonna build it all by yourself Bobbie bitch?” Linty called out angrily. Several other groups nearby looked up. Linty walked up to Bobbie, hands on her hips. “I’m getting pretty tired of you and your childish crap. Either read the directions out loud or let us all read them toge