Story by misfit446

Been gone awhile but now back for a few. Got a lot of outlines for current series and other one offs. Will post when I can. Reread the first Ingo to catch up. Enjoy.


Much time later, Fara awoke. Her face was wet with sweat and tears. She stood and washed at the stone basin. Drying , she looked into the mirror. ‘What am I to do?’ she thought.

Entering the common area she found her children playing at various games. Brooke was gone.

“Hi Mother,” Tara offered, reading a large tome in one of the plush chairs, holding court over the younger kids.

“I must go. I’ve got work to do.”

“Will you be home for the evening meal?”

“Yes. No. I-I don’t know,” Fara fumbled and strode out, robes flowing behind her.

Her first stop was at the Ministry of Justice. Minister Kuira was not available so she asked to speak with Honor Jesse.

“Pray tell what this visit is about?” the well robed Judge asked.

“I need a legal clarification.”

The judge waited expectantly.

Fara began to pace as she put her thoughts together. “I have fifteen children.”


“But I want my children to produce babies.”

“With the proper licenses, I see no problem.”

“To HAVE them as well as give them.”

“Ah, only slaves may carry children.”

“But why?”

“Because it is ordered by our Queen. It has always been so.”

“But why?”

Honor Jesse slowly rose. “You do not pretend to know more than our righteous Queen?”

“No. I don’t. I only want, no, need to understand.”

The judge shrugged and sat back down. “It is our duty to follow, not always to understand. Even I do not know the reason why such a decision was made. My job is to only enforce it.”

“Well, thank you Honor Jesse. I’m sorry to have bothered you,” Fara said, bowed and strode out.

“Any time Counselor Fara,” she called out to the retreating figure.

The sun was warm, the air carried wafts of wonderful smells from the varied flora about the land.

Fara was a smart woman, very adept at working her political intrigue or if that failed, could force an issue with her powerful physique. Either way, she was used to getting her way. ‘But how do I get this by going against the Queen?’ she asked herself as she walked back to the laboratory.

Entering, she cornered Doctor Swan. “I need to learn things. Let’s walk.”

Following a trail about the grounds, Fara tried to form the questions she needed to ask. “Tell me, how long does a woman carry a child?”

Doctor Swan blinked. “Six phases.”

“I see. That’s a long time.”

“Long enough.”

“Can it be shortened?”


“Why do you think the Queen has ruled that only the slave class may carry babies?”

“I don’t know. Medically speaking, there is no reason why any woman may be impregnated. Even you should be able to have a child if the Law