Twisted Understanding

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Twisted Understanding

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ar tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


PAIRING: Luca/Cloche

NOTE: This short fic was brought to you by Cloche's Cosmosphere lvl 6, Luca's Cosmosphere lvl 5 and EXEC_SPHILIA/..

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Luca closed the front door behind her with a sigh of relief. It was the end of another long day. OK, true, for the most part it had been a pretty fun day, but that hadn't made it any shorter. She'd had a lot of customers today - maybe a few too many. She felt drained and empty, as though the people she'd allowed inside had taken a few tiny bits and pieces of her mind with them when they left.

Oh well. At least she was home again.

"Leyka, I'm back," she called.

The house remained quiet. Strange. Sure, it was possible that Cloche was back late as well, but it sounded pretty unlikely. As far as she could tell there were no national emergencies or anything. Maybe a few I.P.D.s of her 'fanclub' had got a hold of her again and... delayed her. She really needed to talk to her about them one of these days.

"Leyka?" Luca called as she slowly trudged up the stairs. "Cloche?" she tried.

There was still no response and it was only when Luca opened the door to their bedroom that she knew why.

Lady Cloche Leythal Pastalia, Maiden of Aqua, Ruler of Metafalica, sat silently on the edge of the bed, bound in leather and chains. Her legs were tied together by her own harness and metal covered her eyes.

Luca clapped her hands together and giggled. "Oh, Lady Cloche, you shouldn't have," she said, her voice filling with excitement.

Cloche turned her blindfolded eyes towards her. "Mistress," she greeted in a quiet monotone.

Luca giggled again and walked into the room, the emptiness inside her filling up with horny warmth with every step she took. She'd wanted to take a bath to recover from her busy day, but this was so much better.

When she was about halfway to the bed, Luca briefly closed her eyes and sang. Her whole body lit up for a brief moment, the light reflecting eerily off of Cloche's metal blindfold. When it faded, Luca, too, was dressed in leather. But whereas Cloche was restrained by her clothes, Luca's were skimpy and free and where Cloche had been made blind by her own clothes, the only thing different about Luca's face was that it was now crowned by a black and purple cap that looked very much like it should've been worn by the kind of morale officer who shoots his own troops to prevent desertion or possibly by a member of a more sadistic kind of secret service.

"My pretty little pet," Luca crooned as she straddled Cloche's motionless body. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I thought I might help you relax after a long day."

Luca smiled. It was so true. The more people she'd had crowding the upper level of her mind during the d