A PSO story! "A Merchant is Born"

Story by Thrext

I've written smut stories before, and shared them on obscure private websites, then I accidentally deleted them a while ago. I never left an authorship on them though, only an email address...ah well, they weren't very good anyway. I find that when I write I get overly wordy, trying to fix that.

Anyway, I figure Iriscal will never go through with writing her Phantasy Star Online story, so I wrote my own. I even came up with a cool way to enrich the setting and I'm using that for this story. Feel free to use it if anyone wants to write their own follow-up/sequel or whatever.

Warnings for this story are futa/f/f, small dick, big dick, stealing Elly Person's wardrobe, dirty talking, domination, implied loli (explicit ages are never mentioned, ho ho), rape, deep-throating, deflowering, attempted anal, and an attempted nosefuck. Uh, it was inspired by a weird Phantasy Star Zero pic I saw. And don't worry, it's well-placed and hopefully won't kill any boners.

I'd post a screenshot to show what Keiichi would look like but right now I only have Phantasy Star for Gamecube, no PC version or Blue Burst handy. But here's how to make her!

Face: 4

Hair: #1, no G, a small amount of R and B, enough to be dark purple

Skin: #3

Costume: bottom row, #7 (white)

Proportion: all the way in the top right

Keiichi is a Purplenum Section ID. Mechguns, perfect for a HUnewearl! Er, enough gushing over PSO's gameplay. >_>

I'm going on a trip this week so hopefully someone will take some screenshots of her before I get back this weekend!

Wall of text over. The formatting kind of sucks, I'll make a proper HTML file later maybe.

PSO: A Merchant is Born

"The sperm that survive the acidic environs of the vagina reach the ovum and fertilize it, which starts the reaction that becomes an embryo, then a fetus, and finally, a human child." Lita listened to her android instructor, fascinated. "However, most refugees on Pioneer II has been innoculated to prevent this reaction from taking place, in order to keep the colony's population from growing. Ragol is still dangerous, and our resources are limited." With perfect timing, a tone to signal the end of Thursday's last class sounded into the room at the very end of the teacher's sentence. "Class dismissed," the male android intoned.

Lita's friend, Zeilia, leaned over and said to her softly, "So that's reproduction? You should come over to my place. I've got something related to show you." Zeilia was a newman, a hybrid clone of human and biomonster DNA, an ancient invention of their homeworld of Coral. Both Zeilia and Lita were hoping to become Forces and join the Hunter's Guild, but for now, they were schooling age. Lita was human and Zeilia was newman, so their approaches to the Force style, among other things, were quite different. But they'd been friends since childhood regardless.

Now Lita had always trus