C Flat, D Sharp (Harem Commission)

Story by swaswj

Commissioned work for Pixy.

This story involves an original futanari character and girls from an eclectic mix of other sources (so far: Final Fantasy VII, Gorillaz, Disgaea, DearS).

C Flat, D Sharp


The expensive hotel room was extravagantly furnished, with a high ceiling, a large and comfortable L-shaped leather couch in the center of the main room, along with a fancy coffee table and end tables. Spread around the room were several different chairs, including a chaise lounge and a bright blue double papasan chair. The bright red and yellow-splashed walls were covered with fancy paintings and framed pictures, except for one area left clear for the large high-definition projector screen.

Green marble countertops separated the kitchen from the living room, hiding a pair of refrigerators chock full of snacks and drinks. The pantries were similarly stocked, and the freezer had ample stores of ice cream and other frozen treats.

The tranquil atmosphere of the darkened hotel room was permeated by the muffled sounds of excited chatter. A beep echoed from the door as the key card was inserted. The door flew open, lights flicked on. The first girl in the door, a thin figure wearing a white cloak with a childish face on the hood, was cheerfully exclaiming, "... was your best show, yet! People are really starting to notice you, Kady!" Turning her eyes to look at the room, Yuffie exclaimed, "Whoa!"

"Master is the best-nii~!" the next girl in shouted in agreement. The much-shorter girl, in her orange and white jumpsuit, bounded past Yuffie and stared in amazement at the enormous room. "This place is huge-nii~!" she yelled out with a big grin. The paws on her shoes and gloves waved ecstatically as Nia began to rush around the room, finally diving head-first onto the couch.

Guitar strapped to her back, the British-Japanese rock prodigy was next to speak up. "You are very good, Allie," the reed-like young woman said as she strode into the room, wearing her favorite white high-water jeans and tank-top. Her dark violet hair hung down past her shoulders, fringe hanging in front of her eyes. Noodle kicked off her yellow boots as soon as she stepped inside, smirking deviously at the other girls as they marveled at the suite. "You stamped the headline band."

The last of the four finally came into the room, fumbling with her own guitar and her bags. A little taller than Yuffie, the tanned girl had on a pair of comfortable cut-off jean shorts and an oversized blue jumper. Her stark white hair was pulled up into a ponytail; the tips of her bangs and ponytail looked like they had been dipped in bright reddish-orange paint.

Her eyes, a similar golden-red hue, were wide as she looked at her senpai. "Do you really think I did good?" Alkaid asked uncertainly with a noticeable British accent. She walked in and looked around the room herself, amaze