The Pixy Queen

Story by Theromen

The Pixy Queen

“Dance in your rings again: The yellow weeds you used to ride so far, Mount as of old--

Play hide and seek with winds among the reeds,

And pay your scores again with fairy gold.”

-- The Wind Among The Reeds, Nora Chesson 1894

Chapter 1

The Green Fairy Opens the Door

Anna was a lovely girl with curly blonde tresses that fell over her shoulders like sunshine spilled over the soft contour of rolling hills. Her eyes were the clear blue vistas of the open heavens and were always seeking new things to be inspired or awed by.

Her parents knew she had a mischievous streak, but it wasn’t one borne of malice or the like but rather her love of exploration and her constant flights of fancy. She had sat appreciatively in the lap of her Gram and listened contentedly for hours on end to the most amazing stories. Stories Anna was sure were true, for her Gram never fibbed to her.

After her Gram had passed on she left many of her things to her son. Among them was her vast collection of books.

Anna loved to read thanks to her mother being a teacher of literature and her father being an author. Since there was no one else who had the time or inclination to tell her stories any more Anna would sequester herself in her father’s den and read her Gram’s books. One such day however something strange had happened. Anna hadn’t noticed until it had started to get dark and she heard her parents whispering just out in the hall beyond. She had stayed up late. She wasn’t used to doing so but it had happened before when she had become too engrossed in a particular tale. She would wait for her parents to go about their business and then sneak up to her room. But for some reason they didn’t go away they kept whispering excitedly about something, but of what Anna couldn’t be sure.

Anna watched from the corner of the darkened study where she usually sat for hours reading the books on her father’s shelf, many of which were fables and stories about faeries, elves and other mythical creatures. Anna loved the world of Middle Earth, and always dreamed of meeting the wee people and being a guest at one of the faerie courts, or serving tea to the royalty of the secretive folk of the forest in her own private little tea party. Anna was only six years old but she was intuitive, and very well versed in all things fae thanks to her fondness for reading,