Avatar - The Last Airbender: Relaxing the Firelord - [nonFuta, Male on Female]

Story by Ixmythot

----------------------Relaxing the Firelord-----------------------

Author's Notes: Naturally, I owe a fuckton of thanks to both the MaiZuko and CAPSLOCK ATLA LJ Communities, both showering me with proverbial Maiko

awesomeness, even if it's unintentional, or only to counter something like H.I.B.Y. In fact, this fic partially rose out just after the unveiling of the

poster for the "sequel" of that abomination. Lastly, a heavy thanks are to go to a good friend, Azurie, for being the second half of the inspiration for the

fic. While her Azula is batshit scary, it shows her skill that she got Mai spot on, even for such a quick scene.

warning tags: Maiko, light bondage, Male/Female, light bondage, light Fdom, oral, light series spoilers.


Mai rose, already muttering to herself as she untangled her body from the light covers of her bed, a scowl covering her face as she scanned the room.

Once again, her husband was forced into yet another nigh pointless meeting, Zuko pushing himself day and night to struggle and turn his nation around. "He

must have worked straight though.... this is getting ridiculous..." she murmured, noticing the melted candles and piles of halfwritten letters that had

become so common as of late. Sighing once more, the pale noblewoman rose with a quick stretch, her hands deftly attaching the many holsters and belts needed

to conceal her many knives, shurikens, and darts, lastly attaching the launcher for her darts, one on each arm, just above the wrist. A plan was already

growing in the young Firelady's mind. Not everything her family drilled into her was going completely to waste, despite the near army of servants that Zuko

employed in the palace. "Keep your husband relaxed and content, and he'll never tire of you." her mother instructed, and while Mai was loath to ever admit

that the years of tutoring and obsessive grooming had actually been of use, pieces of her family's teachings were useful on occasion. She knew from personal

experience that Zuko could never grow 'tired' of her, but keeping him relaxed was something Mai was more than happy to do. Smirking lightly, she moved around,

finally tying a light knot into the belt holding her robes to her pale frame. "It's about time I performed some of my 'wifely duties', now isn't it?" she

questioned, dryly laughing as she rose up once more, a light shudder crossing her body at the implication of what she had planned ran though her mind again,

a faint blush rising to her cheeks, before quickly fading, replaced with the usual mask of indifference she once wore. "Now, where are you, my lord...." she

murmured, exiting the royal chambers, her footsteps quiet yet confident. "I'm going to make you relax Zuko, regardless if you want to or not..."

Zuko groaned, a tired look all over his body as he made his way from the now adjourned meeting. He was sl