Third Gender Pronouns

Story by FryBozu

Recently, in the thread Fiana's Story, there has been some debate over the usage of third gender pronouns. It caused the author to change that story to replace those pronouns, in this case "sie" and "hir", with the female pronouns "she" and "her". I feel that the debate took away from any merit the story had and am moving the debate here.

Here is the comment I made in that debate:

Personally, I've never liked the use of "sie" and "hir" because of the blatant mix of "he" with "she" and "him" with "her", but it got me thinking that "she" and "her" are just alternate forms of "he" and "him". "Sie" and "hir" sound too much like "she" and "her" when spoken aloud, so to make it seem right, we need third alternates that are similar to both sets, but both sound and look different. The only set I can think of, while still following the basic rules of changing the male pronouns to the female, are "che" and "hin". Compounding the problem are the possessive pronouns "his" and "hers", so I've added "hins".

While these new words don't solve the problem of being unfamiliar, "che", "hin", and "hins" do provide a more natural sound than "sie", "hir", and "hirs" as they actually sound like they represent a third gender instead of just sounding female.

Try saying the various sets aloud: (he, she, che), (him, her, hin), (his, hers, hins), (he, him, his), (she, her, hers), (che, hin, hins)

As opposed to: (he, she, sie), (him, her, hir), (his, hers, hirs), (he, him, his), (she, her, hers), (sie, hir, hirs)

Let me know what you think.

Let's continue the discussion here so that no author may feel that we are specificly targeting them.