Precious Spring by Zixtank

Story by Zixtank

Okay, just read the whole description here before actually deciding whether or not to read this story. Please. Okay? Good.

I've been having a lot of trouble about what to write and the story I've posted now leaves me in worry if people wants to read it or not, seeing as it contains tentacles (with no rape). This has a tendency to inflict one of two reactions; complete rejection or love as when it comes to tentacles, you either like them or ya don't, there's rarely anything in between.

I'm not much for tentacles in general, but I don't mind it if there's no rape involved (even though at first, I wondered how that was even possible).

If that's the case, then I've really managed something I didn't think was possible, so please, just try it out and give a response. I'm adding a poll to ask if I should continue the story or not. It's basically your choice all in all.

Btw, this story is but a prototype, so if you want me to go on with it, I'll rewrite it.

Btw(2) This is also the first story where I write in third person and to be honest, I really dont have a main character. There's six people in the group I've written about and I tend to move the perspective between them rather randomly, so please forgive me for that.

Story content: futa/tentacle (NOT RAPE), sensual sex, incest (side plot (don't ask)), girl/girl

Precious Spring

Chp 1

There are few things in this world that can describe the awesomeness of what was about to happen, Jake thought, settling into a cozy position on the floor, leaning his back against the sofa as Lisa flung off her shirt. There was a wave of woos and whistles as it happened and Lisa hid her face in her knees, but laughed even so.

“Okay, Tommy, your time to shuffle.” Jake said, handing Tommy the card deck and he shuffled them with the skills of a Vegas dealer before he split the deck and handed each player one card at a time, over and over until the deck was gone.

Jake looked into his hand; two fours, hearts and spades, the king and ten of hearts and the queen of diamonds. He silently cursed and shoved the fours forward and drew two cards. He was at a disadvantage, he noticed as his eyes fell on his new cards; eight and nine of diamonds.

“I’m out,” he said and sighed when it became his turn to bid. He was already down to his boxers and socks, so he didn’t want to blow it just there. He took a swig of his beer and looked over at Tammy who was obviously in the same situation, as she too threw her cards into the middle of the small ring they sat in.

“Iz, it’s your turn.” Ashley said with a smile. Iselin looked rather pale as she was betting her socks and her shirt. “Do you see?”

“Out as well,” she said, throwing her cards over Jake’s and Tammy’s.

“Aw, you’re no fun,” Ashley said with a grin. “I bet my shirt on this,” sh