Untitled (Demonic Sister)(male-female)(lolita)(incest)

Story by Zinic

Short story I wrote after reading Kizuls "Treasure Seekers". Had the idea floating around in my head for a while, and I eventually decided to give it a shot. Feel free to comment. Currently doesn't have a title, so if anyone has any suggestions, feel free.


The lights in the inn flickered with a dampened glow. The customers, seated around along the walls glared at the two figures standing at the counter as they repeated their request.

“I told you, we'd like a room, single bed.” The man, roughly six feet tall, dress in a strange assortment of clothes that could best be described as a heavy robe made from various fabrics in various shades of grey and brown, put his hand on the counter and leaned forward as he spoke the words. The Innkeeper looked at him nervously, then looked down at the mans companion. She was young, probably no more than 8. She was dressed in a simple white dress with an assortment of straps and belts. The two most noteworthy features about her though, was her hair, long, straight and white as snow and the chains bound around her arms and hands. She was also wearing a blindfold, but that was the least suspicious part of her attire. The Innkeeper looked up at the man again.

“And what of your companion? Is she to sleep on the floor?” The innkeeper tilted his head as he waited for an answer.

“Of course not, she'll sleep in the same bed as me.” The man folded his arms over his chest and stood up straight. He seemed slightly annoyed at the innkeepers comments.

“I don't think I can allow that. You do know that such... actions have been outlawed in this area of late. There's been too many unfortunate cases in the past. I must insist that you get her a separate bed for the night.”

“Just so you can charge extra? Do you think me for a fool? She's my sister, we've always slept together.” The man gave no impression that he knew what the innkeeper was talking about.

Shrugging, the innkeeper replied. “ I'm sorry, but those are the rules. If you're not satisfied with that, you can go elsewhere.” The innkeeper pointed at the door.

Visibly angered, the man slammed his hand on the counter. “I see there's no point in continuing this conversation with you. Very well, I'll take my coin elsewhere.” He grabbed the hand of the girl and walked towards the door. The innkeeper scratched his head and went back to polishing the glasses behind the bar. A murmur went through the room as the man and girl walked through the door. But a couple of the customers got up and started to walk towards the door. Their uniforms clearly showed that they belonged to the town guard, and as the other customers saw this, they went silent. The inn door closed with a sharp smack.

Walking down along the road, the man shrugged and looked at the girl, mumbling to himself. “I guess they don't approve of sib