
Story by Sakura-chan

Here is a new story i've been working on for the last couple of weeks

it's a more sci-fi story then ive done before

enjoy :)


Against the reach of the endless night and sea of stars the ship continued on, it's once simple mission having turned into an unending one. Its original purpose now lost to time.

How long had it been on its journey?

Decades? Centuries? Millennia? Even by human standards... the ship was massive. There were scars upon her ancient hull. Scar that might have been left by the blaze of a sun or the blow of a comet. Or perhaps they were wounds of tooth and claw from enemies who had died trying to take the ship for their own. Disfigurements from ancient battles, lost to time and long forgotten.

The ship was not entirely silent however. It was populated by dozens of maintenance bots. The corridors and crew quarters were in pristine condition, thanks to the bots. Unfortunately they couldn’t repair the external damage due to them not being able to work in a vacuum.

One such bot approached a stasis pod containing Hibiki Sloss. She was the chief engineer of the Omen. Having been chosen only days before the ship was launched; she had barely enough time to learn about the ship and its mission. Now her toughest challenge was to begin.


Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around. ‘Where am I?’ I asked, looking around.

‘You are in the medical bay ma’am.’ The bot replied, ‘You were brought here following your reanimation.’

‘Reanimation?’ I asked, ‘Stasis? How long was I in there?’

‘Approximately 8.9 million years.’ The bot replied unemotionally.


‘8.9 million years.’ The bot said, finishing my sentence.

‘That’s a little longer then was planned.’ I said softly, ‘How far away from Earth are we?’

‘Approximately 8 billion light years from our point of origin.’

‘We couldn’t have travelled that far in such a short length of time.’ I said, ‘It’s not possible.’

‘Because there was no crew... th