Momma's Cock (Incest/Femdom/Futa)

Story by Axl626

This is not my story. Can't stress that enough. I found it about a year ago and just decided to post it here.

It's by a writer named Cimeriel on Literotica. I actually emailed him a year back asking if he would write another story and while he said he would he has yet to since he ended this story. There are eight chapters, mainly focusing on a domme mom trying to mentally break her son. I posted it here because the title makes sense in the last chapter and there's actually futa all throughout.

Here's chapter 1 of 8. This is the first, and while there's no explicit futa in it, there actually is. I'll only post this one and a link if you want to read his others:

Another Saturday night and he was awake again. He had a long damn week. He's tired. It's 4 in the morning! Now he's awake again because his slut of a mother is being loud in her bedroom with whatever random guy she picked up this week. His father would be turning over in his grave.

His mother had her charms, he admitted to himself. She had an austere beauty about her. The fact that her tits were each bigger than his head didn't hurt either. He understood why she got attention, even if she kept herself covered up. Everything about their day-to-day lives indicated that his mother was actually abnormally reserved and conservative. Except Saturday nights.

He never saw anyone come in, and never saw anyone leave. He kind of made it a point not to. He didn't know if it was the same fellow or different men. But his mother never mentioned Saturday nights, and never brought any gentleman callers around.

But the noises! Partially muffled by the pounding techno music his mother somehow produced, he primarily heard the men. He rarely heard his mother moan. It was always the men he heard. Grunting, screaming, moaning, whimpering. She must be a fantastic fuck, those fat titties flopping around.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He had spent years masturbating to that techno music, imagining what went on in there. Groaning along with his mother's male visitors. He had never mentioned a word about Saturday nights to his mother. Now he was over that. Those years were behind him. He was eighteen now, almost twenty! He was trying to find a girlfriend and eventually move out. His mother was maddeningly disrespectful with this nonsense. But he had such a bad week, this Saturday, he finally snapped.

Resolving to put a stop to this shit right away, the young man angrily stomped towards his mother's bedroom. Thoughts ran quickly through his head. Images of him kicking in the door. Grabbing his mother by her thick black hair and dragging her out of the room. Beating the shit out of her man.

He slowed his stride. He loved his mother. She was wonderful to him. She must be so lonely since his father had died so long ago. It was only one night a week. She kept it away from him. Maybe she did it all for him. Maybe he was why she had never remarried.

Momentarily q