Here comes Santa claus! (futa santa)

Story by godosnipers

Heres a test story for my future pokemon furry story, but if all goes well i migt just make it a two-shot, or 3

"Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, right down Santa Claus lane! She's gotta bag thats filled with toys for the boys and girls again!" A girl who looked to be in her early 20's stood up in her big red robe with white fluff all around the ridges by the nicely lit and decorated Crhistmas tree, setting the final, very big, present behind the tree before picking up an empty red bag.

"Phew, that's the last house for tonight, better get back, my sister is going to kill me if i'm late for breakfast." She suddenly felt a tingle in her mind and almost jumped out of her skin as she activated her magic, a swirl of dust covered her and she turned into a big fat man with a great white beard.

A little girl almost 15 had come down the stairs in attempts to find something to drink, and hoped the milk set out wasn't spoiled. She walked past the woman who turned giant and grabbed the glass of milk that was set out for Santa but before she could pick it up her eyes popped open and she turned around, her long black hair flowing behind her back. "Santa!?"

Santa indeed, but not as everyone thought he was, instead it was a girl who used her magic to look like a big jolly fat man, and was glad she had used her magic so quickly. She chuckled nervously on the inside, and hoped the girl would faint as she spoke three words and held the jiggling belly she made for her disguise. "Ho, Ho, Ho." The girl walked slowly to Santa and reached her hand out.

Santa shakily said her next words nervously as the girl touched her fake belly. "Merry Christmas little girl. You must be little Jenny." The girl took her hand back and stook rigid like a statue, her eyes wide in shock. "H-How did you know my name?"

Santa chuckled, 'ho,ho,ho'ing as she did. "Jenny dear i'm Santa, i know all the names of everyone in the world. It's not that surprising. Though i have been seen from time to time by good little boys and girls sleeping on their couches waiting for me, i have never been seen by one as old as you."

Jenny's shock turned into a fit of laughter then went for the beard, which caused Santa to stare in her own shock. "Quit it dad, you had me for awhile, but now the games up." Santa tried to stop Jenny but found it futile. "No, wait Jenny, i'm not your dad i'm really Santa!"

Jenny grinned and pulled hard on the beard. "If your Santa then this'll hurt!" The beard was pulled and in a shrivel of pixie dust Santa disappeared, but only until the dust cleared and there stood Santa in her true form, pouting a little and looking angrily at Jenny.

Santa huffed. "Great, the first teenager to see me, and you had to pull the beard! Now my reputations gone." Jenny looked shocked at the little girl in front of her, only inches shorter but her face showed maturity and wisdom in her cuteness.

Santa pushed jenny to the couch and crossed her arms, the big f