Story: Mary Sue Got Married

Story by rubbav5

Alright, read at your own discretion, but be for warned Bad Writing ahead (Insert Evil Laugh Emocon Here)

Let's I assure you of one thing: Mary Sue is a truly perfect individual. All her faults should be overlooked for the sake of time and energy because no way how you look at her, she is perfect. But, she is also very boring. Her lack of reasonable faults from her raven hair to her tall yet full physique has made her a woman without a single problem, and absolutely nothing compelling about her. Sure people often wonder how she got to the way she is, and those that wonder long enough eventually can themselves her friends, but eventually everyone gets the message. She's just perfect. Never arrogant, always empathetic, but independently annoying to everyone who tried to compete with her. They are fools.

Such a character would make an awful subject to a story and that's why she's not the subject of this one. But she is a part of it, I haven't just wasted your time (Or maybe I am, I have no clue idea how this story will conclude). No, for you see, Mary Sue is the captain of her school's debate team that includes in its membership a young girl, who is not beautiful nor perfect but in the opinion of this writer is truly interesting. She admires nothing, yet has a tendency to like everything and pretty much everyone to one degree or another. She has no one that rises above her minor affection so for argument's sake you can say that she has no friends. Mary Sue decided to fix that.

So one afternoon, some Thursday evening, Mary would approach this young girl whose name I had forgotten to mention before so I'll just name her Daphne. The bell would ring and Mary, bright and as friendly as sunshine, would arrive bright and early in front of the school to meet her. They would talk and Mary would have won her over. Daphne's outlook would change; she would be given a new sight of life. Probably take up a hobby and then share that hobby with a peer. Once there she will then be incline to gather more friends having gained the taste for it. And she would be a generally happier person. A great plan and Mary thought so too, one Wednesday evening sitting alone in her room, which was of course clean but not in a compulsive way. She was giddy, the way she always was when she was about to help people. Her nose wiggled and her hair flow in a way that one might call angelic but those people would boring yet not wrong.

And so, she decided to put her plan in to action to meet with Daphne, who I will now mention that she has pale blond hair and a heavy set jaw, in front of the school that afternoon, They'll walk home together and get into better details than what I had mentioned above but had condensed in the interest of apathy. Chemistry was her last class of the day, a class she enjoyed for the most part but as of right now saw it as an inconvenience to tyrannical pursuit to help a living soul hurting.

The instructor ask