Last Seed: Christma's Special

Story by Futariffic

So I waited 6 months just to get this play on words to work, lol. Yeah I am quiet patient (I really didn't btw). So this is the spin off series I have been working on. The main shonen style anime series has created this (loli) shoujo style drama mini-series. It was going to be a first person style narrative but as it was part of the Last Seed universe I made it third. Any confusion about the terminology used in this story can most likely be cleared up by reading the Introduction to Last Seed. There are no OP or ED songs yet but there will be by the next chapter. So welcome one and all to Last Seed: Christma's Special!

*Chapter 1 - Futa Solo? (lots of masturbation)

Chapter 1:

My First Day

Hello! My name is Christma Zandria and this is my diary! I’m keeping one because a friend asked me to and so that everyone can read how I became the greatest futa guard elite EVER! I am a twelve-year-old new student at Lolia Academy!!! I am very excited to be here… but a lot of stuff has been going on lately with these crazy futa going around claiming to be sorceresses and attacking people to get these dark, shiny stone things that I guess make big monsters appear… it’s scary to think about. I’m not really sure what’s going on but they took my big sister Celest, (she’s currently the princess of Zandria and soon to be queen) =) and I am here waiting for my currently only friend Ayami to return so we can get her back. Well there are some escorts that I was traveling with but I think they’re just in it for the money… maybe, maybe not. Lets see there’s weird eyes (very annoying), weird hat (she’s nice but she eats a lot), and wild hair (not sure, she just came back by the way). And with this prince named Rex that my sister is going to marry there’s freckle face (she’s a major pervert), quiet lady (her eyes look a little weird too), blue balls (she’s a nun), and scary lady (she’s REALLY tall and really scary with her HUGE sword, seriously it’s bigger than me!) Hopefully being here I will make some new friends. Sorry if it seems like I’m babbling but I’m about to be late for my entrance exam and just jotting down my first few thoughts. Celest would be angry if she saw how bad my writing & grammar was in this. =( Anyway off I go… good luck me!

Christma shut her little, black diary book that she bought with some of the money Ayami gave her. Christma was very thankful that the instructors allowed her to bathe and gave her a standard issue first year Lolia Academy school uniform. It was very plain: a black long-sleeve shirt top with a mid-shin length black skirt. She also was given black stockings and white shoes as she was not allowed to wear the ones she came in with as they were not school regulation. She looked around the lobby area w