Revealed Secrets ^_^ (updated)

Story by Beatrix

It's taken a while, but here it is :)

I hope you like it

Revealed Secrets - third Chapter to my (as of yet unnamed) Series


Part 1 (out of 2)


Yuki was walking through the snow again, she had been waiting for this since she had come to school today. It was getting very thick now, she sank well over her knees into it with every step, she didn't mind though. It was apparently only a short walk to Shizuka's house anyway. Shizuka had invited them over earlier today, which was nice of her since there was no way they could have gotten back to their own houses in this weather.

"You really seem to like this weather," came Shizuka's voice from behind her. Yuki spun around and almost fell over. Trying to keep her balance she looked up at Shizuka and Uzume who were walking just behind her.

"You bet I do, it's great," replied Yuki as she clumsily fell over. The snow ensured a soft landing though and she would have done it on purpose if she had known it would be this much fun. Uzume came running over to see if she was ok.

"You alright?", asked Uzume as she appeared in Yuki's view. She was looking so pretty with the white cloudy sky over her head and the light reflecting back on the snow to brighten up her beautiful face. Yuki had to admit she was really falling in love with her more and more.

"It's pretty comfy really," replied Yuki with a wide smile, "You should try it really."

"No thanks, I'm getting even colder just by looking at you lying there," said Uzume as she extended her hand to Yuki. As she pulled Yuki up she turned her head toward Shizuka, "Is it much longer to your house? I really am getting cold here."

"Not at all, it's right over there," said Shizuka as she pointed to the next house. Yuki slowly let go of Uzume's hand and was disappointed by how close it was.

"I'd hoped it had been a little longer, can't we take a little detour?", asked Yuki hopefully. Though she really was satisfied already, so maybe they should just hurry along and get inside.

"I know you rarely get a chance at weather like this, but I'm getting really cold now, would it be alright to just go inside and warm up?", asked Uzume as she tried to warm her hands by blowing on them and rubbing them together.

"Come on Yuki, you can play in the snow some more later," agreed Shizuka. And she had a point there, there was absolutely no way this would melt in less than a week. That was a really comforting thought for Yuki somehow, she just wanted things to stay as they were now for as long as possible.

She straightened her skirt, which she still despised, and followed the two girls toward the house. Shizuka searched in her pockets and found the key to the door. After unlocking it the three girls walk inside before Shizuka closes it again. Uzume stretched her arms and seemed very happy right now.

"That's much better," she said as she took off her jacket and boo