Unseen Eyes

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Unseen Eyes

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Warriors Orochi 2

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Warriors Orochi 2 or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


PAIRING: Xing Cai/Ina; Yue Ying

NOTE: I am not at all familiar with the Three Kingdoms Era or, if I understood Persona 3 correctly, the Sengoku era. Fortunately, Warriors Orochi isn't the kind of game to take history too seriously. On a different note, I do believe this is my first fic about voyeurism.

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Humans adapt. It's one of those truths that are totally obvious if one spends but a moment's thought on it. Recently, Yue Ying had had quite a few moments to reflect on this truth. Taken away not just from her precious China, but out of her very time as well and then placed in some not-quite-real place that was reminiscent of her home and yet not and filled with spirits and beings that, here, were actually really real and all around whereas back home they had been mere stories, well... it could shake one's sense of what was normal and what wasn't.

But not for long.

After the war with Orochi, people had tried to find ways to return home, but during their continued failure, many had settled. It was only sensible, after all. Trapped in a stange world or not, one still needed to live and it was better to live in relative comfort than despair at never going home. People had adapted and made a new home for themselves.

Yue Ying suspected that some of her countrymen and quite a few of the foreigners had begun to think of this world as their real home. That they would no longer leap onto the chance to return to the time and place they had come from, but instead give the option some serious consideration before, possibly, rejecting it.

Currently, Yue Ying was following one such person through the women's wing of what had become, now, the castle that was the Shu Kingdom's new seat of power. Nowadays, Xing Cai could often be found stalking through the castle's hallways after the sun had set, though never for very long and always with one specific destination in mind even if she did vary her route every time.

Actually, it might have been wrong to say that Yue Ying was 'following' her. She was well aware what her strengths were and stealth was not among them. Especially not when she was wearing a bright white-and-green nightgown. Instead she followed her simply by knowing where Xing Cai was going. This way, if she was spotted, she could simply tell her she was going someplace else.

Tonight, however, she did not cross paths with her and only spotted Xing Cai just as she disappeared into Ina's room. There had been a time, and it had not been very long ago, that Yue Ying would have advised her not to get too close to the foreigners. She would have said that, although they were valuable and noble allies, they were, at best, only temporary. She had since given up on the idea that their alliance was only temporary and she sometimes even found herself forgetting they were foreigne