The Taste of Hope (DOA fanfic)

Story by Runeless

Hey guys! This is the start of a story series. Please R&R, you wonderful readers you!

The Taste of Hope- Kasumi/Ayane

Love starts with a kiss.

Or a headbutt. That's how Kasumi and Ayane had gotten together.

They'd been fighting- yet again- and Kasumi had headbutted the crap out of Ayane. Unfortunately, headbutting someone, by necessity, involves using your own head.

Kasumi had headbutted Ayane, and the blow was hard enough that Ayane had stumbled backwards then collapsed to the ground, laying flat on her back.

Kasumi passed out shortly thereafter, face first to the ground, with her last thought before unconsciousness being That was a bad idea.


When Kasumi woke up a few minutes later, her head was laying on something soft. The rest of her was laying on something that was pretty soft, too...

She groggily realized that she was face first in Ayane's breasts, the warm, soft, pliable flesh feeling smooth and wonderful under her cheek.

The thought sent a Oh God right through her, but she found that her limbs still weren't responding just yet, so she stayed there, torn between terror, some small measure of disgust, and a weird warm flushed-body feeling that she associated with watching porn.

She was laying on top of a breast. It was Ayane's breast, but it was a breast all the same.

Kasumi felt her male parts tingle, and immediately shunted the feeling to the side. No. Ayane was her sister! Half-sister, whatever! She hated Kasumi!

(A small part of her whispered She'd never let me and Kasumi killed it. Even if Ayane would let her, Kasumi wouldn't. It'd be wrong!)

(Another small part whispered As wrong as being alone forever? and Kasumi killed it too. Where did these small parts of her mind get the idea that they could pull apart her carefully crafted reasons?)

Still her body responded, penis getting slightly stiff, lady parts a little wet. Boobies. Kasumi felt her own nipples flush and start to grow hard.

Kasumi sighed as her arms finally started working for her and she pushed off of her unconscious sister. Kasumi was going to have so many issues jacking off tonight.

As she tried to raise up to her feet, Ayane put her foot underneath Kasumi's, tripping her. Kasumi fell right back on top of Ayane, this time with her face right in her half-sister's. There was an angry, annoyed, hurt look on the younger girl's face; she'd apparently woken up pissed.

" You," Ayane mumbled, still groggy, brain still hurting from the headbutt. She wrapped her legs around Kasumi's middle, and grabbed Kasumi's arms by the upper shoulder. " Not getting away... time."

" Huh," Kasumi said amiably as she tried to pull away from her half-sister. Ayane's legs were wrapped tight around her hips- oh God, that thought was sending all sorts of really uncomfortable chills up and down her body, and her dick was getting hard- and her breasts were mashed up against Ayane's