The Taste of You (Drabbles, DOA fanfic)

Story by Runeless

Taste of Hatred- Hitomi/Leifang

Leifang thinks that her German lover tastes like sweat, like too many punching bags broken and like too many nights spent crying. When they kiss, Leifang leaves her eyes open sometimes, just to see the way that Hitomi scrunches up her eyes like she's holding back tears, and she watches her sleep when the two of them are spent on the sheets; watches Hitomi gain the unattainable in her dreams, trying to gain the love of a man who doesn't exist. Hitomi hates, and it comes out in their lovemaking; when Hitomi fucks her, her dick is a machine, slamming into Leifang's little form with all the savagery of a ogre. That's what Hitomi reminds her of, really; the Red Oni of Japan, the monsters that she used to be so scared of when she was younger, always afraid they'd eat her.

And Hitomi does eat her sometimes, but for all that it's fierce, it's good; all teeth and sucking, tongue flicking in and out of Leifang's pussy like a piston rod until Leifang orgasms all over Hitomi's face. Hitomi drinks as much of it as she can, like a drunkard with a bottle, then she moves to Leifang's dick and gives it a go, blowing her like- well, like a man, really, though Leifang's never gotten head from a dude before so she doesn't have a clue why that's what she thinks of. Hitomi sucks and fucks her face against Leifang's dick until the Chinese girl can't take it anymore and cums, almost always biting back screams; and then Hitomi swallows that down, too, always hungry for more.

Her Red Oni. Always hungry, hungry for something she can never have. Leifang wonders how the relationship can possibly go on, how it even started; they're the worst matched people she knows, and in her saner moments she realizes it.

But somehow she always comes back to that burning look in Hitomi's eye when she fucks her (making love is for other people), and that taste of her, the taste of her hate, that Leifang gets when they kiss and she can see the wish on Hitomi's face, the wish that she were kissing a man named Ein.


Hitomi thinks that her love- her bitch? She'd never be so crude as to say it like that, but it was a good summation nonetheless- tastes like old lipstick, like losing too many times and getting filled up on bitterness until the only thing keeping you goin was sheer cursed determination. Leifang doesn't put on lipstick or pretty herself up anymore; too old, too tired, too broken, at nineteen fucking years of age, to bother with all of that anymore. Leifang favors t-shirts and shorts and tennis shoes and all the time she doesn't spend getting fucked by Hitomi she spends practicing.

It's not enough. They both know it isn't. She'll never beat the dragon. But she has to try; it's all she is anymore, all she's got left. Nothing but that sheer fucking perversity that kept her going in the face of constant defeat.

And Hitomi. Hitomi liked to think she played a part in Leifang's will to keep going. If nothing