Bastards Breeding (Dead or Alive fanfic)

Story by Runeless

It was three a.m. in Helena's office, the headquarters of her new company, Blueblood Inc. Specialized in anti-magic devices and protection, as well as in not doing horrible cloning experiments, which were very good things to specialize in.

There were no lights on. Helena didn't want outsiders seeing that the thirtieth floor had a light on. The only light streamed in through the massive glass wall behind Helena, the shining of the full moon, which leant soft shadows to everything inside.

Like the woman who stood before Helena Douglas, arms crossed, waiting in front of her desk with a scowl on her face. Even annoyed as she was, the woman was a sight. Big, beautiful, soft breasts... beautiful hair, lovely face.... and those legs...

She was also by job a ninja, by nature a jerk, and by name Ayane.

Helena had thought for years that she'd killed her mother, the only person Helena had ever cared about.

She'd been wrong.

Makes for awkward conversation sometimes.

Especially given the subject of this conversation.

" So what you're telling me," Ayane said, in clipped, Japanese-accented French, " is that if I perform a task for you, nature currently completely unknown, you'll pay my clan this insanely vast sum? Sorry, but until you tell me what it is I will be doing for you, I will not accept. It seems too much like a setup, and once I give my word, I cannot withdraw it."

Helena sighed. Fucking ninjas. You'd think their perfect code of honor would make them wonderful hired help.

Instead, what it really gave you was a bunch of anal-retentive sociopaths who could level buildings and followed the letter, not the spirit, of their deals. They were nothing but dressed-up thugs, making money off of protection rackets- i.e. "Pay me not to kill you." Oldest game in the book, and second oldest profession, right after prostitution.

Helena herself, once she'd acquired her company, had paid an exorbitant sum to take herself off the ninja's potential targets list permanently. That was one good thing that came from their code... If they agreed never to kill you, you were perfectly safe from them.

Helena sighed. Fuck it, she'd tell her. " I'll make a deal with you. Promise to never tell anyone of what I am about to say, and I will send a quarter of the payment with you regardless of whether you agree to it or not."

" Okay." That was fast. Ayane's clan must need the money desperately.

Helena sighed, stood up, and said, " This will require a lot of explanation, but it will be easier to show you first, then explain."

And with that, she took her clothes off. Off came the ribbon, and her hair fell down in long golden cascades; off came the shirt, and her breasts moved for freedom, drinking up the night air in Helena's moonlit office. Down the pants.

Up the penis.

Ayane blinked, then blinked again, and promptly stumbled backwards, completely unprepared.

" Um." Two more blinks.

Helena smirked at her reaction- it was kind of amusing. Better