No Coverage (Futa/m mpreg reluct nc?)

Story by conroy39

I originally posted this at literotica, but it seems appropriate for here.

No Coverage

by conroy39

I've tried to write this twice already in clinical terms, but there's just no way to do it. So, fuck it. If you're offended, well, it's your fault I'm writing this.

I was at Lucky's. It was maybe 10:30, getting on 11. I spotted her in there right away sitting at the bar, because she was dressed, well, kind of slutty. Brown hair, about shoulder length, maybe a little bit chubby, but great face and terrific tits. She was wearing this black dress which looked more like she was going to a cocktail party, but it was ridiculously low-cut. Silver necklace, silver bracelets. I remember thinking that she looked kind of out of place – not like you're not going to see a slutty-looking girl in a bar, I mean, but the clothes and all just didn't seem to add up. She had a glass of wine, for one thing, and it wasn't that kind of place.

Anyway, seeing a rack like that, I didn't really care if it added up. She obviously hadn't been there long when I arrived – she hadn't really touched her wine. I watched her for a minute to see if her boyfriend had just gone off to the bathroom or something, and noticed that she kept glancing at the clock. Maybe she was waiting for somebody? Though she kept looking around the room at people like she was sizing them up. Worth a shot, I thought, and started towards her. Then I realized that when she was checking out people and watching the door, she was only looking at girls. Ah. Shit.

The girl had been looking at the clock again, but just then she caught sight of me watching. Her gaze moved on kind of automatically, like I wasn't the person she was looking for, but then she did a kind of quiet double take and glanced back at me. She smiled at me slightly, and then her smile widened a lot and it was obvious she wanted me to come on over. Well, I'm not stupid. I didn't waste any time.

"Hi, I'm Ryan," I said. She looked great up close. Had a little bit of a pot belly maybe, but not like you would notice if her dress hadn't been skin-tight. I kept my eyes away from her tits, which wasn't easy.

"Hi. I'm Jen," she said. "Want to get out of here?" She put down her wine and started to stand up.

Well, son of a bitch. I quickly waved goodbye to my friends, figuring that maybe she'd be willing to grab dinner or something. Jen looked at the clock again. No, she wanted to go straight to my place.

You know, come to think of it, I don't know why it didn't occur to me at the time that she might be a hooker or something. I was kind of in shock, I guess. Would have been better if she had been. Anyway.

I wouldn't say she was all over me on the way back to my apartment, but it was pretty clear that she wanted it. She put one hand on my leg as I drove, and, I remember, rubbed at her stomach a bit. I tried to make some small talk, but she wasn't much for conversation. Jen seemed really amused about something, though.

Once we got to my